What is DockbarX?

DockBarX is a lightweight taskbar / panel replacement for Linux which works as a stand-alone dock (called DockX), as an an Avant Window Navigator applet, as a Xfce4 panel applet1, as a matepanel applet2 or as a legacy gnome2 panel applet.

How do I use Xfce DockbarX plugin?

Using xfce4-dockbarx-plugin Add DockbarX to the panel and it will automatically start. If you don’t want to customize it, no further configuration is necessary.

How install DockbarX in Kali Linux?

DockbarX XFCE Panel Plugin can be installed by adding its official PPA:

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dockbar-main/ppa.
  2. sudo apt-get update.
  3. sudo apt-get install –no-install-recommends xfce4-dockbarx-plugin.

What is Xfce panel?

The Xfce Panel is part of the Xfce Desktop Environment and features application launchers, panel menus, a workspace switcher and more. Many aspects of the panel can be configured through the GUI , but also by GTK+ style properties and hidden Xfconf settings.

How do you use a plank dock?

Launch Plank from the applications menu, from the Alt + F2 dialog (by typing plank ), etc. You may also want to add Plank to your startup applications. Most desktop environments have a graphical tool to add applications and commands to startup: Xfce: Settings -> Session and Startup > Application Autostart.

Does Xfce have a dock?

To do so, right click on the Xfce panel and click on the “Panel > Add New Items” menu option (as shown in the screenshot below). A new window will open. In the search box, enter the term “dock”, select the “Docklike Taskbar” entry and click on the “Add” button.

Is xfce4 dead?

There hasn’t been a full release of Xfce for a while, but the project is still alive. The git repositories are very active, and a number of projects inside Xfce have had releases since Xfce 4.12: Thunar, the file manager, in October 2018, Ristretto, the picture viewer, in August 2018, etc.

How do you start a plank dock?

How do I customize my dock Arch?

Configuring the dock To configure the dock, right-click the dock and go to Cairo-Dock > Configure.

How do I make Xfce look like Mac?

Skin Xfce to Look Like macOS Get started by downloading the Yosemite theme from GitHub. Next, unzip the file into the /. themes/ directory in your Home folder. Follow this by opening Settings > Appearance and selecting OS-X-Yosemite.

Does latte work on Xfce?

We will learn that latte-dock works fine on Plasma but not on Xfce. You can autostart these applications with our ArcoLinux Tweak Tool or remove other autostarting applications.