What is Diplegia mean?

Diplegia (dy-PLEE-juh) is a form of paralysis that affects similar body parts on both sides of the body, such as both legs or both arms.

What is the difference between hemiplegia and diplegia?

Diplegia/diparesis usually indicates the legs are affected more than the arms; primarily affects the lower body. Hemiplegia/hemiparesis indicates the arm and leg on one side of the body is affected.

What causes spastic diplegia?

As with other forms of cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia is caused by brain abnormalities or damage. In many cases, it stems from brain damage that occurs during or around the time of birth, i.e. a birth injury.

What is double hemiplegia?

Double hemiplegia/double hemiparesis indicates all four limbs are involved, but one side of the body is more affected than the other. Tetraplegia/tetraparesis indicates that all four limbs are involved, but three limbs are more affected than the fourth.

What are the signs and symptoms of diplegia?

The most obvious symptom of diplegia is absent or reduced mobility in symmetrical areas of the body. Other symptoms can include: Changes in neurological functioning. Uncontrolled muscle movements—known as spasticity. Difficulty controlling the bladder or bowels. Phantom pain. Chronic pain.

Is facial diplegia a medical emergency?

Surgical management of spasticity Acute bilateral facial nerve palsy (facial diplegia) is a medical emergency which may be the initial finding of serious disorders such as malignancies.

What are the treatment options for diplegia?

Depending upon the cause of diplegia, treatment may include: 1 Antibiotics to treat an infection. 2 Surgery to address vascular issues. 3 Surgery on your brain or spinal cord. 4 Occupational and physical therapy to help your nervous system master working around the injury.

Is it common for people with cerebral palsy to have diplegia?

It is very common for people with cerebral palsy to have diplegia of the arms. Although most people with cerebral palsy have diplegia in their legs, some people have diplegia in their arms. Other ways of getting paralysis of both arms is through a traumatic event or injury.