What is difference between MongoDB and NoSQL?

Difference Between MongoDB and NoSQL A MongoDB “database” is the top-level container, consists of one or more collections while NoSQL data stores provide a top-level namespace or container for storing data. MongoDB is based on the document store data model in which a document is stored as BSON format.

Is MongoDB a NoSQL or MySQL?

NoSQL database examples include MongoDB, BigTable, RavenDB Cassandra, HBase, Neo4j and CouchDB.

Why use MongoDB over NoSQL?

MongoDB is a type of NoSQL. It is an easy to use, open source software written in C++ which is fast and flexible. The key difference between NoSQL and MongoDB is that NoSQL is a mechanism to store and retrieve data in a non-relational database and MongoDB is a document-oriented database which belongs to NoSQL.

Is MongoDB the best NoSQL database?

As the most efficient NoSQL database option for websites and API endpoints, MongoDB is easy to get started with, and it can grow and evolve with your website. MongoDB already has excellent integration with popular web programming languages like Python, PHP, Node, Java, Golang, and many others.


A JSON database is arguably the most popular category in the NoSQL family of databases. NoSQL database management differs from traditional relational databases that struggle to store data outside of columns and rows.

Will NoSQL replace SQL?

MYTH: NoSQL supersedes SQL SQL and NoSQL do the same thing: store data. They take different approaches, which may help or hinder your project. Despite feeling newer and grabbing recent headlines, NoSQL is not a replacement for SQL — it’s an alternative.

Is MongoDB a SQL or NoSQL?

NoSQL databases come in a variety of types including document databases, key-values databases, wide-column stores, and graph databases. MongoDB is the world’s most popular NoSQL database.

What is MongoDB good for?

MongoDB is built on a scale-out architecture that has become popular with developers of all kinds for developing scalable applications with evolving data schemas. As a document database, MongoDB makes it easy for developers to store structured or unstructured data. It uses a JSON-like format to store documents.

Is MongoDB good for data warehouse?

In many cases, the MongoDB data platform provides enough support for analytics that a data warehouse or a data lake is not required. Some of the features that MongoDB provides to support analytics include: A powerful aggregation pipeline that allows for data to be aggregated and analyzed in real time.

Is MongoDB better than AWS?

In comparison with MongoDB, DynamoDB has limited support for different data types, and items are restricted to 400 KB as opposed to MongoDB, which supports up to 16MB document size. AWS charges significantly higher operating prices when items exceed 1 KB in size and suggest persisting larger objects in S3.


XML databases are a flavor of document-oriented databases which are in turn a category of NoSQL database.