What is difference between cursor and ref cursor?

A cursor is really any SQL statement that runs DML (select, insert, update, delete) on your database. A ref cursor is a pointer to a result set. This is normally used to open a query on the database server, then leave it up to the client to fetch the result it needs.

What is ref cursor in Oracle with example?

A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type whose value is the memory address of a query work area on the database. In essence, a REF CURSOR is a pointer or a handle to a result set on the database. REF CURSOR s are represented through the OracleRefCursor ODP.NET class.

What is System ref cursor?

SYS_REFCURSOR is a predefined weak ref cursor which means we do not have to define it into our code like we did with the explicit weak ref cursor in the previous tutorial. As we learnt in that tutorial that creating a weak ref cursor is a two-step process.

How do you call a spring data function in JPA?

You can call your function via native query and get result from dual. Note that it won’t work if your function is using DML statements. In this case you’ll need to use @Modifying annotation over query, but then the function itself must return number due to @Modifying return type restrictions.

How do you call a function in hibernate?

Calling the Native Query You can call Hibernate’s @NamedNativeQuery in the same way as you call any other named query. You only need to call the createNamedQuery of your EntityManager with the name of the query, set all bind parameter values and call the getSingleResult or getResultList method.

Is ref cursor return?

The REF CURSOR variable is not a cursor, but a variable that points to a cursor. Before assigning a cursor variable, a cursor type must be defined. type author_cursor is ref cursor; This REF CURSORis a weak typed cursor variable because it does not define the datatype the cursor will return.