What is Desmoplastic fibromatosis?

Desmoplastic fibroma (DF) is a benign intra-osseous neoplasm, that is, recognized as the intra-osseous counterpart of soft tissue fibromatosis in both gnathic and extra-gnathic sites. It has a propensity for locally aggressive behavior and local recurrence.

What causes desmoplastic fibroma?

The etiology of desmoplastic fibroma remains to be elucidated. A wide range of factors, including genetic predisposition, estrogen stimulation and traumatic activation, such as fractures and surgery, have been implicated in the development of aggressive fibromatosis (12,13).

Can fibromatosis be cured?

Treatment options include surgery, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with or without hormonal manipulation, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other forms of local therapy. Many treatments have been used, but these are not without toxicities.

Can fibrosis be cancerous?

Another possibility is that fibrosis itself may contribute to the development of cancer. It was proposed that fibrosis might be involved in the carcinogenesis by the occurrence of atypical or dysplastic epithelial changes in pulmonary fibrosis which progressed to invasive malignancy 1, 13, 14.

What does Desmoplastic mean?

Listen to pronunciation. (DES-moh-PLAS-tik) Causing or forming adhesions or fibrous connective tissue within a tumor.

Is desmoplastic melanoma fatal?

A study of 1129 desmoplastic melanoma patients in the United States (1992–2007) reported a 5-year specific survival rate of 85% and 10-year survival of 80%.

How do you get rid of fibromatosis?

Fibromas will not go away without treatment. Options include topical gels, injections, orthotics, exercises, and surgery. Home remedies, such as ice and elevation, can reduce pain.

Is fibromatosis malignant?

Fibromatosis is a histologically benign growth of fibroblastic and myofibroblastic cells, with a potential to recur and invade local organs. It can occur as a superficial or deep form.