What is DeNovo NT?

DeNovo NT Graft is a particulated juvenile cartilage implant used for the repair of articular cartilage damage. It is intended to provide surgeons with an early-intervention option for articular cartilage repair.

Where does DeNovo cartilage come from?

De Novo NT is an FDA approved cartilage repair technique. The product is made out of minced cartilage from organ donors under the age of 13.

What is bio cartilage?

BioCartilage is dehydrated, micronized allogeneic cartilage that can be implanted with platelet-rich plasma into these smaller cartilage defects. BioCartilage acts as scaffold, allowing for the creation of hyaline-like cartilage.

What is oats knee surgery?

An Osteochondral Autologous Transplantation or OATS procedure is when you are able to take bone and cartilage from a healthy part of the knee and implant it into a damaged area. The procedure is performed in a single stage.

How long does an allograft last?

Overall, osteochondral allografts to treat chondral lesions of the tibial plateau provide significant functional improvement for 10 years; however, less than 50 % are expected to survive 20 years [35•, 36].

How long does osteochondral allograft take to heal?

Precautions: Range of motion as tolerated. Hinged knee brace x 8 weeks. Non-weight bearing x 8 weeks.

Is BioCartilage an allograft?

BioCartilage matrix is developed from allograft cartilage and contains the extracellular matrix that is native to articular cartilage, including key components such as type II collagen, proteoglycans, and additional cartilaginous growth factors.

Is BioCartilage FDA approved?

BioCartilage is an FDA approved augmentation of microfracture treatment with PRP, and the powder itself contains no living cells.

What is OATS ankle surgery?

OATS of the ankle is a surgical procedure to treat Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus (OCL) or Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD). It involves the transfer of healthy cartilage to replace the damaged cartilage and restore the normal function of the foot.