What is delve in the Bible?

/ (dɛlv) / verb (mainly intr; often foll by in or into) to inquire or research deeply or intensively (for information, etc)he delved in the Bible for quotations. to search or rummage (in a drawer, the pockets, etc) (esp of an animal) to dig or burrow deeply (into the ground, etc)

What does Will you delve into this problem mean?

to examine something carefully in order to discover more information about someone or something: It’s not always a good idea to delve too deeply into someone’s past. Synonym. investigate.

How do you use the word delve?

Delve in a Sentence ?

  1. Because she was planning a trip, the woman began to delve into a search for plane tickets.
  2. We had many books to delve into during our research for school.
  3. When they learned of her disappearance, the detectives were eager to delve into locating her.

Is it delve or Dwelve?

delve Add to list Share. The verb delve means to dig into, loosen, or investigate. She delved into her family’s history and discovered an inventor, a checkers champion, and a circus equestrian in her ancestry.

What part of speech is Delve?

verb (used without object), delved, delv·ing.

Which is the closest synonym for the word delving?

synonyms for delve

  • burrow.
  • inquire.
  • dig.
  • dredge.
  • examine.
  • excavate.
  • explore.
  • investigate.

What is the antonym of Delve?

What is the opposite of delve?

avoid delay
postpone procrastinate

Do you delve into problems?

Expert-verified answer This is because delving into the problem means looking into the matter thoroughly which involves deep inquiry and research on the topic. Research on the topic can involve surveys, sampling, questioning, and looking into secondary data. Hence, option d) is the correct one.

Is it delve or dive?

If you’re jumping enthusiastically into a work project, maybe you’re diving in. If you’re starting some research or some deeper examination or analysis of some kind, you’re more likely delving in. If you’re giddy about your first scuba lesson, maybe you’re ready to dive in on multiple levels.

What is delving in research?

verb (used without object), delved, delv·ing. to carry on intensive and thorough research for data, information, or the like; investigate: to delve into the issue of prison reform. Archaic. to dig, as with a spade. verb (used with object), delved, delv·ing.

Is delve past tense?

delve ​Definitions and Synonyms

present tense
he/she/it delves
present participle delving
past tense delved
past participle delved