What is Data Guard broker?

Oracle Data Guard Broker is a centralized framework that automates the configuration, management, and monitoring of an Oracle Data Guard configuration. Oracle Data Guard Broker further enhances Oracle RAC by providing apply instance failover for Oracle RAC standby databases.

How do I enable Data Guard broker?

  1. Step1:-Creating a Service Listener in primary and standby side(Both Side)
  2. Step2:-Changing the parameters for both side.
  3. Step4:-Configure Dataguard Broker for primary.
  4. Step5:-Configure Dataguard Broker for standby.
  5. Step6:-Check using Verbose command.
  6. Step7:-enable the Dataguard broker.

How do I stop being a Data Guard broker?

How to Stop Data Guard Services

  1. Is Broker Enabled? First of all, you need to know whether the data guard broker is configured, started and controls over the data guard.
  2. DGMGRL Transport Off.
  3. DGMGRL Apply Off.
  4. DGMGRL Disable Configuration.
  5. SQL Transport Off.
  6. SQL Apply Off.

Where is Data Guard broker log?

Viewing Data Guard Diagnostic Information The broker log files are named drc. log and are located in the same directory as the alert log file. You can obtain information about the health of the database (referred to as the database status) by issuing the SHOW DATABASE DGMGRL command.

How does Active Data Guard work?

Active Data Guard automatically performs block media recovery that is transparent to the application. Active Data Guard repairs physical corruption on a primary database using a good version of the block retrieved from the standby.

What is the difference between Data Guard and Active Data Guard?

The main difference between Oracle Data Guard and Active Data Guard is that Oracle Data Guard is an extension to the Oracle RDBMS that provides data availability and protection while Active Data Guard is an extension of Oracle Data Guard that improves the production database performance for critical transactions.

What is the use of Dg_broker_start?

1.107 DG_BROKER_START If the database is part of an Oracle Data Guard broker configuration, then you can simplify automatic startup of the broker by setting this parameter to true in the initialization parameter file.

What is the use of Dgmgrl?

The Data Guard command-line interface (DGMGRL) enables you to manage a Data Guard broker configuration and its databases directly from the command line, or from batch programs or scripts.

How do I start and stop data guard?

Data Guard Startup & Shutdown Steps

  1. In this article we will look at Oracle Data Guard startup and shutdown sequence.
  2. Stop log apply service or MRP and shutdown the standby.
  3. Stop log shipping from primary and shutdown primary database.
  4. Startup primary database and enable log shipping.

How do I connect to Dgmgrl?

Welcome to DGMGRL, type “help” for information. DGMGRL> CONNECT sys; Password: password Connected. This example demonstrates how to connect to the Data Guard (DGMGRL) command-line interface on a remote system. DGMGRL> CONNECT sys@remote-stby; Password: password Connected.

How do I find my standby database primary name?

You need to create a script for sqlplus. In the script, you first get the tns_alias standby bd from the log_archive_dest parameter. Then connect to standby bd as sysdba. Uodate 1 You can run the query on the main server and see the active sessions from the standby server.