What is cumulative E?

1a : increasing by successive additions. b : made up of accumulated parts. 2 : tending to prove the same point cumulative evidence. 3a : taking effect upon completion of another penal sentence a cumulative sentence.

What is the meaning of cumulative amount?

The adjective cumulative describes the total amount of something when it’s all added together. Eating a single chocolate doughnut is fine, but the cumulative effect of eating them all day is that you’ll probably feel sick.

What is the meaning of cumulative result?

1 growing in quantity, strength, or effect by successive additions or gradual steps.

What do you mean by non cumulative?

Definition of noncumulative : not cumulative especially, finance : not entitled to future payments of dividends or interest passed when normally due noncumulative stock noncumulative income bonds.

What is the difference between accumulative and cumulative?

In cumulative it does not imply whether the increase is gradual or not, while in accumulative it implies that the increase is gradual. Aimie Carlson is an English language enthusiast who loves writing and has a master degree in English literature. Follow her on Twitter at @AimieCarlson

What is the meaning of cumulative effect?

Kids Definition of cumulative : increasing (as in force, strength, amount, or importance) over time Rainy weather had a cumulative effect on the crops.

What are cumulative exams?

Those exams that cover all the material that’s accumulated in the course of a semester are cumulative. The accumulative effect of not keeping up on the notes and assignments all semester may well necessitate a night of cramming.

What is the meaning of cumulative knowledge?

As for knowledge which man receiveth by teaching, it is cumulative , not original. The argument is in very truth not logical and single, but moral and cumulative . Characterized by accumulation; serving to collect or amass; cumulative; additional.