What is CRS Diliman?

The Computerized Registration System (CRS) allows UP Diliman enrollees, faculty, and staff to access records online.

How can I pre enlist in UP Diliman?

Search results, select the course your desire and then click the “Add to my desired classes” button. Wait for the departments to process all the preenlisted classes. Once you have finalized your enlistment, please click “Lock Enlistment“ button to queue yourself for online post advising.

How do I lock up my CRS enlistment?

If your class has been granted to you, you will now lock your enlistment by clicking the “Lock Enlistment” button inside your Preenlistment module.

How can I register in UP Diliman?

Enrollment is done at the UP Diliman Campus….Submit the following requirements:

  1. Accomplished Application Form.
  2. Official Receipt of Application Fee.
  3. True Copy of Grades.
  4. Certificate of Enrollment.
  5. Certificate of No Contract.
  6. Certificate of Good Moral Character.
  7. Other documents required by the college.

What is CRS college?

CRS stands for College Readiness Standards (education)

How do you get honorable dismissal in UP Diliman?

A student in good standing who desires to sever connection with the University shall present a written petition to this effect to the University Registrar, signed by his/her parent or guardian. If the petition is granted, the student shall be given honorable dismissal.

What qualities make a class representative?

Some of the skills and experience you will gain from your experience as a student representative include:

  • Communication skills.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Team-working skills.
  • Committee experience.
  • Leadership experience.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Motivation experience.
  • Organisational skills.