What is cross media analysis?
What is cross media analysis?
With respect to cross-media analysis, existing studies focus mainly on modeling correlations and generating a uniform representation of two media types as in the popular correlation analysis method, called canonical correlation analysis (CCA) (Hotelling, 1936).
What is a cross media company?
Media cross-ownership is a situation in which a single corporate entity owns multiple types of media companies. The types of media companies owned may include print, radio, television, movie and internet media sites.
Is transmedia a multimedia?
For example, newspapers and television stations have partnered on stories for decades. Transmedia = One storyworld, many stories, many forms, many channels. Multimedia, crossmedia and transmedia are points on a fluid spectrum that blend from one to the next.
What is the meaning of transmedia?
Transmedia Storytelling In this sense, transmedia refers to the interaction between different forms of media leading to convergence, as well as to the transfer of the contents of one form of media to another. In other words, transmedia refers to the relationship between different forms of media.
What is cross-media integration?
The cross media marketing involves the usage of different media forms to integrate your marketing message into the minds of people.
What is an example of transmedia storytelling?
Another example of a mainstream media brand using transmedia storytelling is Pokemon, which has drawn fans into its own make-believe world with a combination of video games, card games, TV series and movies, providing an engaging combination of passive and interactive experiences.
What is an example of transmedia?
Why is transmedia important?
Transmedia storytelling allows a story to unfold across multiple media platforms. The “spreadability” of the narrative is an important consideration and is accomplished through viral marketing practices in social media channels.
What is multiplatform writing?
At ECHO, we most often use the term multiplatform storytelling to describe the general technique of telling a story using several formats and/or platforms, ideally with some involvement by audience or end users. When a story first arises in the mind, it often comes with an idea of format.