What is criticality safety index?

Criticality Safety Index (CSI) means the dimensionless number (rounded up to the next tenth) assigned to and placed on the label of a fissile material package, to designate the degree of control of accumulation of packages, overpacks or freight containers containing fissile material during transportation.

How do you find the criticality?

Criticality can be achieved by using metallic uranium or plutonium, liquid solutions, or powder slurries.

What is a criticality experiment?

Criticality is the state of a nuclear reactor when there is a self-sustaining chain reaction of fissionable material. Criticality experiments are controlled tests using fissile materials, like plutonium or enriched uranium, brought to the critical point for analysis and benchmarking.

What is a criticality excursion?

A criticality excursion (also referred to as a criticality accident) is the accidental production of a self-sustaining or divergent chain reaction of fissionable material. Simulation codes for transient nuclear reaction are needed for evaluation of criticality accidents in fissile solutions.

Why is critical safety index important?

Criticality safety index (CSI) assigned to a package, overpack or freight container containing fissile material shall mean a number that is used to provide control over the accumulation of packages, overpacks or freight containers containing fissile material. For transport by any aircraft.

What is a Type B U package?

Type B(U) package means a Type B packaging that, together with its radioactive contents, for international shipments requires unilateral approval only of the package design and of any stowage provisions that may be necessary for heat dissipation.

What is a criticality hazard?

Criticality is an important nuclear safety hazard in plants where fissile material is processed (this includes fuel manufacture), handled or stored (but is also an important consideration during defuel/refuel operations on nuclear reactor plant).

What is meant by criticality?

Definition of criticality : a critical quality, state, or nature The true criticality of that basic political rationale is being demonstrated in the 1990s.—

What is the transport index for a radioactive package?

TRANSPORT INDEX (TI) The TI is equal to the maximum radiation level in mrem/hour at one meter from an undamaged package. The TI can be an indicator for determining the external radiation hazard of an undamaged package and can be a starting point for determining whether or not damage has occurred.

What is a Type C package?

Type C packaging is an overpack for transportation of radioactive material without any activity limits by any conveyance including aircraft. The Type C package must maintain its containment upon impact onto a target at a velocity of 90 m/s (this is similar to a fall from a height of 450 m).

What is a Type B package?

Type B packages are used to transport materials with high levels of radioactivity, such as spent fuel from nuclear power plants. These large, heavy packages provide shielding against the radiation. The size of the Type B packages can range from small containers to those weighing over 100 tons. Package Testing.

What is an example of criticality?

Critical is defined as someone who tends to make judgments and find fault with others. An example of critical is a father who doesn’t feel any of the dates his daughter brings home are good enough for her.