What is Cradle to Cradle principles?

Cradle to Cradle® is a set of design principles which was developed in the 1990s by Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart, William McDonough and EPEA Hamburg. It stands for innovation, quality and beneficial design. Cradle to Cradle® describes the safe and potentially infinite circulation of materials and nutrients in cycles.

What are the five certification criteria of the Cradle to Cradle products innovation Institute?

Certification Criteria. There are five categories of criteria for Cradle to Cradle Certified™ certification: Material Health, Material Reutilization, Renewable Energy Use, Water Stewardship, and Social Responsibility.

What does the key sustainability key term Cradle to Cradle mean?

Cradle to cradle can be defined as the design and production of products of all types in such a way that at the end of their life, they can be truly recycled (upcycled), imitating nature’s cycle with everything either recycled or returned to the earth, directly or indirectly through food, as a completely safe, nontoxic …

What does it mean to be Cradle to Cradle certified?

What is the Cradle to Cradle certification? Cradle to Cradle (C2C) is a system of scoring brands for their commitment to the circular economy – the reduction of waste and hazardous chemicals, more efficient uses of resources and the reuse of materials, energy efficiency and social responsibility.

What are some of the principles and strategies Mcdonough incorporates into his practice?

These laws can be distilled into three key principles: equate waste with food; maximize use of solar income; and celebrate diversity. Waste does not exist in nature, because each organism contributes to the health of the whole.

What is Cradle to Cradle examples?

Another example of C2C design is a disposable cup, bottle, or wrapper made entirely out of biological materials. When the user is finished with the item, it can be disposed of and returned to the natural environment; the cost of disposal of waste such as landfill and recycling is greatly reduced.

What is cradle to grave sustainability?

In business, the term cradle to grave is used in reference to a firm’s perspective on the environmental impact created by their products or activities from the beginning of its life cycle to its end or disposal.

What is cradle-to-cradle examples?

What are the benefits of cradle-to-cradle?

As the analysis shows, C2C has various business benefits, including cost reduction, improved product value, innovation promotion, risk avoidance, growth in sales and increased profit.

What are some benefits of a cradle-to-cradle approach to product design and production?