What is compass Point thinking routine?

A routine for examining personal reactions to an idea or plan. Description: Compass Points enables groups of learners to consider ideas and propositions from four different angles to prevent personal reaction or quick judgment. This routine works best when there are dilemmas or differing opinions.

What is the +1 thinking routine?

In this routine, students are generally sharing their thinking at each step along the way before moving on to the next one. This allows the class to build on the group’s thinking and often results in richer discussions.

What are visible thinking routines?

Visible Thinking makes extensive use of learning routines that are rich in thinking. These routines are simple structures, for example a set of questions or a short sequence of steps, that can be used across various grade levels and content.

What is a compass point called?

Cardinal directions are the four main points of a compass: north, south, east, and west which are also known by the first letters: N, S, E, and W. These four directions are also known as cardinal points.

How many compass points are there?

There are four main points on your compass: north, south, east and west. Around the whole compass, there are little measurements, called degrees. The most important part on the compass is the magnetic needle.

What is a 3 2 1 thinking routine?

This routine can be introduced by having students do an initially 3, 2, 1 individually on paper. For instance, if the topic is “democracy,” then students would write down 3 thoughts, 2 questions, and 1 metaphor. Students might then read an article, watch a video, or engage in an activity having to do with democracy.

What is a 321 reflection?

A 3-2-1 prompt helps students structure their responses to a text, film, or lesson by asking them to describe three takeaways, two questions, and one thing they enjoyed. It provides an easy way for teachers to check for understanding and to gauge students’ interest in a topic.

What is zoom in thinking routine?

Description: The Zoom In thinking routine requires learners to pay close attention to detail and make inferences. Because it uses only sections of an image at one time, it is different than a See-Think-Wonder. As each section is revealed, students make new inferences.

What are the 16 compass points?

A compass rose is primarily composed of four cardinal directions—north, east, south, and west—each separated by 90 degrees, and secondarily divided by four ordinal (intercardinal) directions—northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest—each located halfway between two cardinal directions.

What are the four main points of a compass?

one of the four main points of a compass: north, east, south, west. symbol indicating the cardinal directions (N, S, E, W).