What is compare assertion in JMeter?

In JMeter, Compare Assertion is used for comparing the given text or regular expression string with the response content.

Which type of assertions are used in JMeter?

Assertions Provided by JMeter

  • BeanShell Assertion.
  • BSF Assertion.
  • Compare Assertion.
  • Duration Assertion.
  • HTML Assertion.
  • JSR223 Assertion.
  • MD5Hex Assertion.
  • Response Assertion.

How do you use response assertion in JMeter?

Steps to use Response Assertion

  1. Step 1) Add Response Assertion. Right-Click Thread Group -> Add -> Assertions -> Response Assertion.
  2. Step 2) Add Pattern to test. When you send a request to Google server, it may return some response code as below:
  3. Step 3) Add Assertion Results.
  4. Step 4) Run your test.

What is assertion result in JMeter?

Assertion in JMeter is used to validate response of the request, that you have sent to the server. Assertion is a process where you verify expected result with the actual result of the request at run time. If you need to apply assertion on a particular Sampler, then add it as a child of that Sampler.

What is listeners in JMeter?

A listener is a component that shows the results of the samples. The results can be shown in a tree, tables, graphs or simply written to a log file. To view the contents of a response from any given sampler, add either of the Listeners “View Results Tree” or “View Results in table” to a test plan.

What is assertion in performance testing?

Assertions are needed in performance test scripts to validate that the response received from server is correct and is not affected by increasing the load on the server. The assertions are also helpful in doing functional testing of different kinds of applications by comparing the actual and expected output.

What is size assertion in JMeter?

In JMeter, Size Assertion is mainly used when we want to validate the size of the full response or some part of the response like header, code etc. This assertion helps to identify the throughput related issue. A simple scenario where you can add size assertion is a file downloading scenario.

What are listeners in JMeter?

What is WorkBench in JMeter?

What is WorkBench? The WorkBench simply provides a place to store test elements temporarily. WorkBench has no relation with Test Plan. JMeter will not save the contents of the WorkBench. It only saves the contents of the Test Plan branch.

What is idle time in JMeter?

Idle time is time wasted between your operations/samplers.

What is duration assertion in JMeter?

JMeter. In JMeter, Duration Assertion is mainly used when we have response time NFR and on the basis of those figures, we want to make a sampler or transaction controller pass or fail. It is a simple assertion element where we just need to provide ‘apply to’ and ‘duration’ input.

Is web assertion used in JMeter?

The Scope of JMeter Assertions Assertions can be applied to a main sample and its subsamples, or only to subsamples. Some assertions, like the Response Assertion or the Size Assertion, can also be used against a JMeter Variable.