What is Colombia day?

July 20th
When is Colombian Independence Day? This holiday is always celebrated on July 20th. If it falls on a weekend, it will not be observed on a weekday. It is Colombia’s national day and marks the start of the movement to independence from Spain in 1810.

What is Epiphany day Colombia?

Epiphany is celebrated with a holiday in Colombia to commemorate the journey of the magi, or wise men, who followed a shining star to visit the infant Jesus as recorded in the Bible. This holiday falls 12 days after Christmas Day.

How do you say hello in Colombia?

The common verbal greeting is “Buenos dias” (Good day), “Buenas tardes” (good afternoon) or “Buenas noches” (good evening/night) depending on the time of day. The formal title to greet people with is ‘señor’ (mister) for men and ‘señora’ (missus) for women.

What is the most important holiday in Colombia?

Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is an especially important celebration in Colombia. Other holidays celebrate important dates in Colombia’s history and independence. January and June have the most holidays, at three per month.

What do Colombians celebrate?

Colombia has an enviable calendar of 18 public holidays per year. Twelve of these are religious based celebrations, such as Easter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Christmas Day. The rest are civic holidays, like Independence Day (July 20), the Battle of Boyacá (August 7), and Labor Day (May 1).

Is there a holiday in Colombia?

Colombia has 18 holidays (12 Catholic holidays and 6 Civic holidays), plus Palm and Easter Sunday. The city of Barranquilla has 2 extra holidays celebrating Monday and Tuesday of Carnival. The following are public holidays in Colombia: Año Nuevo / (New Year’s Day) (January 1)

How do Colombians celebrate 3 Kings day?

People in Colombia also celebrate the Epiphany by throwing parties on Three Kings’s Day in which they eat and drink a lot. On Three Kings Day, many go to a church service, as well as sing Christmas carols. In some countries, people chalk CMB on their door.

What are three traditions in Colombia?

Carnaval del Diablo. The town of Rio Sucio hosts the Carnaval del Diablo (Festival of the Devil) on odd numbered years biannually, in a party to ward off sadness.

  • Carnaval de Negros y Blancos.
  • Barranquilla Carnival.
  • Santa Semanta.
  • Bogota International Book Fair.
  • Festival of the Flowers.
  • Day of the Candles.
  • Christmas.