What is collective noun of beer?

November 10, 2014 Reply. Long ago I was told the correct collective noun for beer was “a mystery of beer”.

What is this collective noun?

What is a collective noun? The word collective means “of or characteristic of a group of individuals taken together.” A collective noun is a noun that appears singular in formal shape but denotes a group of persons or objects. The words army, flock, and bunch are all examples of collective nouns.

What are the 15 collective nouns?

15 Collective Nouns to Describe People – English Grammar Lesson

  • An army is a group of soldiers.
  • An audience is a group of spectators at an event.
  • A band is a group of musicians.
  • A board is a group of company executives.
  • A choir is a group of singers.
  • A class is a group of students.

What are 4 collective nouns?

Here are some examples of common collective nouns:

  • People: board, choir, class, committee, family, group, jury, panel, staff.
  • Animals: flock, herd, pod, swarm.
  • Things: bunch, collection, fleet, flotilla, pack, set.

What type of noun is alcohol?

Solution : Here, alcohol is material noun and health is abstract noun.

Is beer a common noun?

[uncountable, countable] an alcoholic drink made from malt with hops added to give it taste.

What are 10 collective nouns?

Examples of Collective Nouns

  • Collective noun for bees – Swarm.
  • Collective noun for fish – Shoal or School.
  • Collective noun for sheep – Herd.
  • Collective noun for ships – Fleet.
  • Collective noun for birds – Flock.
  • Collective noun for lions – Pride.
  • Collective noun for wolves – Pack.
  • Collective noun for ants – Colony.

What are 20 collective nouns?

20 Collective Nouns List, Examples of Collective Nouns List

  • a shower of rain.
  • a stack of wood.
  • a chest of drawers.
  • a cluster of coconuts.
  • a cloud of dust.
  • a regiment of soldiers.
  • a staff of employees.
  • a team of players.