What is CM cellulose chromatography?

CM Cellulose products are used in protein chromatography, ion exchange chromatography and cation exchange media. CM Cellulose has been used in studies to inform the suppressed proliferation of hepatoma and leukemic cells and the inhibition of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).

How do you make a cellulose column DEAE?

The DEAE cellulose is prepared by suspending 10 g of DEAE cellulose (DE 52 ion-exchange cellulose according to Whatman) in 200 mL of 0.05 N HCl, which is neutralized with 400 μE of 10 N NaOH, from which the supernatant is decanted. The cellulose is then washed three or four times with a fivefold volume of SM solution.

What is CM resin?

Description. Macro-Prep CM Resin is a weak cation exchange resin that meets the demands of analytical, semipreparative, and process-scale applications. This rigid, macroporous hydrophilic support provides exceptional capacity, resolution, and throughput in a chemically and mechanically stable form.

What is the charge of CM cellulose?

negatively charged
At neutral pH the carboxymethyl group is ionized as -CH2OCH2COO¯ so that CM- cellulose is negatively charged, so it is a weak cation exchanger. DEAE-cellulose contains an diethylaminoethyl group. It is positively charged at neutral pH and so DEAE-cellulose is a weak anion exchanger.

How do I pack a column in Deae?

Open the bottom outlet of the column and start the pump. Pack the gel at a flow rate of 12–14 ml/min. Pack at this flow rate until the bed height is constant (normally 4 to 5 minutes).

How do you load a column?

To load the column:

  1. Dissolve the sample in the minimum amount of solvent (5–10 drops).
  2. Using a pipette or syringe with a thick needle, drip the sample directly onto the top of the silica.
  3. Once the entire sample has been added, allow the column to drain so that the solvent level touches the top of the silica.

What is the requirement of a good column packing?

The principal requirements of a packing are that it should: Provide a large surface area: a high interfacial area between the gas and liquid. Have an open structure: low resistance to gas ow. Promote uniform liquid distribution on the packing surface.

What are different methods for packing of column?

There exists two methods to fill columns: • dry packing, • slurry packing (filtration technique). The dry filling method is easy to perform, but the slurry method gives, especially for smaller particles, more efficient and more reproducible columns.

What is CM Sepharose column?

CM Sepharose Fast Flow is part of the Sepharose Fast Flow ion exchange platform, which has been the industrial standard for ion exchange chromatography during recent decades. It is composed of cross-linked, 6% agarose particles, with carboxymethyl (CM) weak cation exchange groups.