What is closed gloving used for?

Closed gloving is used when the surgeon will be wearing a sterile surgical gown. Open gloving is used when the surgeon will be performing a minor procedure without wearing a gown. When putting on the sterile gown, avoid touching the front surface of the gown and keep the gown from touching any object.

When should open gloving be used?

This technique is used for minor procedures when only the hands need to be covered (for example sterile patient preparation, bone marrow biopsy, urinary catheterization). Assistant passes us an internal packaging of sterile gloves without touching the inner layer.

What is the importance of open gloving technique?

It protects the hand of the person when touching the skin of the patient that have sores, open wounds, cuts or scratches. It protects the hand from handling objects that have been soiled with blood or body fluids.

How do you close a glove for surgery?

Turn your hand over so that the glove is lying on top of your palm, with the thumb of the glove over the thumb of your hand. Grasp the uppermost rim of the glove with the other covered hand and in one movement, pull the glove over the first hand. Ensure the glove ‘entraps’ (completely covers) the cuff of the gown.

What is open gloving?

Open gloving is performed when not wearing a gown or when replacing gloves intraoperatively (e.g. to change gloves contaminated by stomach content during gastrotomy prior to abdominal closure) and when a sterile assistant is unavailable to reglove you sterilely.

Which of the following steps are part of the proper procedure for applying sterile gloves using the open method?

Place the glove onto your dominant hand. Let the glove hang with the fingers pointing downward. Then slide your dominant hand into the glove with your palm facing up and fingers open. Remember to touch only the inside of the glove to prevent any potential contamination.

What is open gloving method?

Open Gloving. Pick up the right glove with your left hand (if right handed). Only touch the cuff on what will be the inside of the glove. Work the fingers of your right hand into the glove leaving your thumb out. Hold your thumb up and then pull the cuff up and over.

When should a nurse wear sterile gloves?

The most important time to wear sterile gloves is when there will be contact with blood, bodily fluids, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or possibly infectious substances.

Can open gloving be done without surgical hand washing?

Safety considerations: All personnel entering the operating room (OR) or a specific sterile procedure must perform a surgical hand scrub. Hands must be free from rings, watches, and bracelets. Nails should be free from any nail enhancements, artificial extenders, acrylics, wraps, and tips.