What is CLB SAS?

CLB. Computes % confidence limits for the parameter estimates. CLI. Computes % confidence limits for an individual predicted value.

How do you check for Multicollinearity in SAS?

We can use the vif option to check for multicollinearity. vif stands for variance inflation factor. As a rule of thumb, a variable whose VIF values is greater than 10 may merit further investigation. Tolerance, defined as 1/VIF, is used by many researchers to check on the degree of collinearity.

What does STB mean in SAS?

MODEL Statement

Option Description
Model Selection and Details of Selection
SS1 Displays the sequential sums of squares
SS2 Displays the partial sums of squares
STB Displays standardized parameter estimates

What is coeff VAR in SAS?

Coeff Var: The coefficient of variation, which is simply the ratio of the root MSE to the mean of the dependent variable: Coeff Var = Root MSE Dependent Mean . It is used as a unitless measure of the variation of the data, which can be useful.

What is F value SAS?

F Value and Pr > F – The F-value is the Mean Square Model (2385.93019) divided by the Mean Square Residual (51.0963039), yielding F=46.69. The p-value associated with this F value is very small (0.0000).

How is VIF calculated?

For example, we can calculate the VIF for the variable points by performing a multiple linear regression using points as the response variable and assists and rebounds as the explanatory variables. The VIF for points is calculated as 1 / (1 – R Square) = 1 / (1 – . 433099) = 1.76.

How do you interpret VIF multicollinearity?

View the code on Gist.

  1. VIF starts at 1 and has no upper limit.
  2. VIF = 1, no correlation between the independent variable and the other variables.
  3. VIF exceeding 5 or 10 indicates high multicollinearity between this independent variable and the others.

What is standardized regression coefficient?

In statistics, standardized (regression) coefficients, also called beta coefficients or beta weights, are the estimates resulting from a regression analysis where the underlying data have been standardized so that the variances of dependent and independent variables are equal to 1.

How do you find the 95 confidence interval in SAS?

For SAS coding, you cannot directly specify the confidence level, C, however, you can specify alpha which relates to the confidence as such, alpha = 1 – C, so for 95% we specify alpha = 0.05. So the 95% C.I. for µ is (87.3, 100.03).