What is chrysocolla crystal good for?
What is chrysocolla crystal good for?
Chrysocolla calms, cleanses and re-energises all the chakras. It draws out guilt, heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance.
Is chrysocolla a rare stone?
Chrysocolla is 100 percent natural is rich with copper. It’s actually part of a small group of copper-bearing gems. Other gemstones within this group include azurite, malachite and cuprite. This gemstone has a propensity to mix with other minerals, so pure chrysocolla is quite rare.
Is chrysocolla expensive?
It is often known as “chrysocolla chalcedony” or “gem silica chrysocolla.” Gem silica is the most valuable variety of chalcedony, with quality cut gemstones selling for over $100 per carat.
Is chrysocolla the same as turquoise?
Color Variation of Chrisocolla In terms of color, this mineral is similar to turquoise, ranging from sky-blue to greenish blue and green. However, chrysocolla is often streaked with black. It has a range of possible lusters: from glassy or dull to earthy. Its density of 2.0-2.4 is lower than turquoise.
What is the energy of chrysocolla?
Chrysocolla Metaphysical Properties Chrysocolla is the gentlest of stones. It’s not a high-energy stone like quartz, rutilated quartz, or smoky quartz and–unlike malachite, azurite and lapis–it doesn’t bring buried emotions to the surface. Its main role is to soothe, calm and inspire.
How can you tell if chrysocolla is real?
The softness of the chrysocolla stone is also a good indicator. If you can scratch the surface with a copper coin, it is likely to be the real deal. However, the inclusion of quartz or other minerals in the stone could make a genuine gemstone harder.
How can you tell fake chrysocolla?
Is chrysocolla a jasper?
Chrysocolla from the state of Arizona is a mixture of chrysocolla, turquoise, jasper, lapis, malachite and quartz crystal minerals.
Which is more valuable turquoise or chrysocolla?
Most noteably, as much as I would like to share in their joy, I often have to tell people that they have chryscolla. As a result, I explain my conclusion by following up with my observations of the visible fractures and the often waxy appearance. In other words, Chrysocolla is not nearly as valuable as turquoise.
Where do you put chrysocolla in the bedroom?
If you want to strengthen the loving communication between you and the people you love, place a piece of Chrysocolla on your throat or breastbone. This will help detoxify your chakras and rebuild your strength during physically and emotionally exhausting or stressful periods.
Is chrysocolla magnetic?
The Chrysocolla inclusions in Gem Silica often result in significant magnetic attraction, but light blue translucent gems like the one shown below (center) are inert (diamagnetic) due to lower concentrations of Chrysocolla.
Does chrysocolla dissolve in water?
Of all these only chalcanthite will dissolve in water. All will dissolve in HCl, or other mineral acids like H2SO4 and HNO3. Chrysocolla will dissolve too, but may leave a gelatinous residue of silica gel in the process. Malachite and azurite will effervesce as they dissolve, the others will not.