What is chaos manipulation?

Chaos Manipulation is the ability to manipulate chaos, fundamentally different than darkness or nothingness. That is, power over disharmony, confusion, disorder, and destructiveness in their most pure and vivid forms.

What does Chaos Magic do?

Chaos Magic is the name of a magic so powerful that it was thought to be non-existent by even the modern Sorcerer Supreme himself. This magic can manipulate, warp, and reconstruct the fabric of existence and reality to the user’s very whims, and bring about total destruction to the cosmos.

Why is Chaos Magic so powerful?

In the comics, Chaos Magic stems from an ancient god of chaos, a Lovecraftian entity known as Chthon, and whoever wields it can reshape reality itself. Hence, Chaos Magic is incredibly powerful, but deeply unstable, and has the potential to destroy the entire universe – and maybe even the multiverse.

What are the powers of chaos?

They are able to change, mutate, destroy or otherwise manipulate any matter, space/time, living beings, organizations or minds and spirits as well as containing it, so it doesn’t spread or spreads only on desired way.

Is there a symbol for chaos?

It is also called the Arms of Chaos, the Arrows of Chaos, the Chaos Star, the Chaos Cross, the Star of Discord, the Chaosphere, or the Symbol of Eight. Alternative symbols of chaos include the Sacred Chao and the Five Fingered Hand of Eris of Discordianism.

What is the opposite of Chaos Magic?

Use order magic. The ability to use the order magic. Form of Magic. Opposite to Chaos Magic.

Who can wield Chaos Magic?

Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch eventually had her origin story retconned from being a mutant with probability-altering powers, to being Witch capable of wielding Chaos Magic. The change is explained in the comics as the demon Chthon having altered Wanda’s natural mutation at birth, to unlock her magical potential.

Who can do Chaos Magic?

WandaVision revealed that the Scarlet Witch can use chaos magic. Non-comic fans might not know a lot about it but comic readers do. The MCU’s WandaVision dropped a huge reveal at the end of episode eight: Wanda is indeed the Scarlet Witch and uses chaos magic.

Is there a symbol for Chaos?

What is Tychokinesis?

Tychokinesis, also called Stochokinesis/Stochastokinesis or Luck/Probability Manipulation is the ability to mentally alter the flow of stochastic fields, allowing one to generate good or bad “luck”.

What is Omni magic?

Power/Ability to: The power to possess absolutely every type of magic. Magical version of Nigh-Complete Arsenal and Nigh-Omnipotence. Lesser version of Almighty Magic. Opposite to Physical Godhood.