What is Cementifying fibroma?
What is Cementifying fibroma?
Cementifying fibroma is considered as a benign, osseous tumour, which arises from the periodontal ligament and is composed of varying amounts of cementum, bone and fibrous tissue.
What causes ossifying fibroma?
Still, ossifying fibromas can occur for patients of any age and sex. Trauma, irritation caused by dental restorations, and plaque underneath the gums might also all play a role in development, but the precise cause is still unknown.
What causes juvenile ossifying fibroma?
Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma sometimes develops in areas of congenitally missing teeth [12]. The reported recurrence rate for juvenile ossifying fibroma ranges from 30 to 58% [13, 14, 15]. Local recurrence probably is caused by incomplete removal of tumour, particularly in the maxillary sinus and orbital region.
What are the known classifications of a fibroma?
There are two common fibroma types seen on the skin. They are the hard fibromas (dermatofibroma) and the soft fibroma (skin tag). The hard fibroma (fibroma durum) consists of many fibers and few cells. If seen on the skin it is known as a dermatofibroma, a special form of which is the keloid.
What is non ossifying fibroma?
What is nonossifying fibroma? Nonossifying fibromas are the most common benign bone lesions in children. Made up mainly of fibrous (scar) tissue, nonossifying fibromas are not aggressive. They can be thought of as ‘birthmarks’ in the bone, rather than true tumors.
Does ossifying fibroma cause pain?
The tumor itself is not painful. If it grows big enough, it may cause some swelling and tenderness under your skin, especially during activities that may irritate it. Most non-ossifying fibromas don’t grow big enough to cause any symptoms.
How do you treat fibroma?
Fibromas will not go away without treatment. Options include topical gels, injections, orthotics, exercises, and surgery. Home remedies, such as ice and elevation, can reduce pain.
Is ossifying fibroma benign?
Ossifying fibroma is a rare benign fibro-osseous neoplasm of the jaw characterized by substitution of normal bone by fibrous tissues and newly formed calcified products such as bone, cementum or both. It is a well-demarcated lesion that differentiates it from fibrous dysplasia.