What is cell line database?

Abstract. The Cell Line Data Base (CLDB) is a well-known reference information source on human and animal cell lines including information on more than 6000 cell lines. Main biological features are coded according to controlled vocabularies derived from international lists and taxonomies.

How do you decide which cell line to use?

The Do’s and Dont’s of Choosing a Cell Line

  1. Don’t Choose Simply Because It Is Used in the Literature.
  2. Do Consider If It Fits Your Biological Model.
  3. Do Consider the Experiments You Want to Perform.
  4. Table 1: Features of commonly used cell lines.
  5. Don’t Assume That All Cell Lines Have the Same Culturing Requirements.

What is your cell line?

Cell line is a general term that applies to a defined population of cells that can be maintained in culture for an extended period of time, retaining stability of certain phenotypes and functions. Cell lines are usually clonal, meaning that the entire population originated from a single common ancestor cell.

What is the best cell line?

HEK293, or human embryonic kidney-derived epithelial cells, are arguably one of the most widely used cell lines in cell biology research. HEK293 is a rapidly dividing, robust line cell with a good reputation for post-translational modification of its heterologously expressed proteins.

How do you start your own cell line?

The simplest way to create a new cell line is to modify an existing one, a common strategy when an established line already comes close to meeting the requirements. Cells optimized to grow particular viruses or maximize recombinant protein production often come from such modifications.

What is normal cell line?

C28/I2 Human Chondrocyte Cell Line is widely used as a model cell line for studying normal and pathological cartilage repair mechanisms related to chondrocyte biology and physiology.

Can a human cell line be patented?

In the United States, naturally occurring biological subject matter, including stem cells and cell lines, are considered to be patent ineligible. However, stem cells or cell lines that have been genetically engineered, are considered to be patent eligible as they are not products of nature.

What is the most commonly used cell line?

HeLa cells
HeLa cells are the world’s most commonly used human cell lines, and have served as a standard for understanding many fundamental biological processes.