What is cedar pencil?

Definition of pencil cedar 1a : any of several junipers with wood suitable for or used for making pencils: such as. (1) : red cedar sense 1a. (2) : east african cedar. (3) : a rather small densely pyramidal tree (Juniperus bermudiana) that is grown in warm regions as an ornamental.

What is pencil cedar used for?

Uses. Polyscias murrayi is useful to bush regenerators as a nursery tree, which provides shade for longer lived young trees underneath. It is also an attractive ornamental tree.

Is cedar a pencil wood?

Today, many pencils are manufactured from plastic or tropical rainforest trees, but Oregon and California continue to supply the world with pencils made from the aromatic wood of incense-cedar.

What is special about cedar trees?

People cultivate cedar because of its ornamental morphology and fragrant, durable wood that has application in the construction and furniture industry. Interesting Cedar Facts: Cedar can reach from 98 to 131 feet in height and around 8 feet in diameter (trunk). Cedar has dark-grey or brown bark.

What type of cedar is used for pencils?

Incense Cedar The most common type of wood used in pencils is incense cedar, and it’s softwood and comes from Western North America and Asia.

What kind of cedar is used for pencils?

This pencil is especially unique because it is made from the wood of Juniperus virginiana, known commonly as Tennessee red cedar, eastern red cedar, aromatic cedar, and (yes, even) pencil cedar.

Why are pencils made of cedar?

Cedar wood is most commonly used in pencil production. The wood encases the graphite, making it easier for the writer to hold. Paint The paint is the yellow casing around the pencil. It is used as both a protective and decorative coating.

Where does pencil wood come from?

And the wood that makes up the actual pencil that wood, believe it or not , comes from Sweden and South Africa. The graphite or lead comes from Brazil and Mexico.

What is the lifespan of a cedar tree?

Lifespans of Common Trees in Virginia

Common Name Scientific Name Average Lifespan
Cedar, Eastern red Juniperus virginiana 150
Cherry, Black Prunus serotina 100
Chestnut, American Castanea dentata 100
Cucumbertree Magnolia acuminata 80

What does the Bible say about cedar trees?

“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12).

Where does cedar wood for pencils come from?

Red cedar from Kenya and the U.S. was an early favorite, but today nearly all pencils worldwide are made from incense cedar, a species that grows in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Why are pencils made of cedar wood?