What is calcar replacement?

Abstract. A new femoral component for total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been designed for use in patients in whom the calcar region is missing, hence called the calcar replacement device.

What is calcar bone?

The calcar is a vertical plate of dense cancellous bone which lies deep to the lesser trochanter but posterior to the neutral axis of the femoral neck.

What is calcar resorption?

Calcar resorption is a significant complication after total hip arthroplasty and may result in technical problems at revision of failed hip arthroplasties.

What is the difference between a total hip arthroplasty and a bipolar hip arthroplasty?

THA is reportedly superior to BHA in terms of hip pain, function and reoperation rate. On the other hand THA has a higher rate of dislocation [2,3] while BHA is a less complicated surgery, has shorter operation time, less blood loss and lower initial cost [4]. Dual mobility implant concept was introduced by Prof.

What is Calcar femoris?

The calcar femorale is a spur of thickened bone that lies deep to the lesser trochanter but posterior to the neutral axis of the femoral neck. The calcar is thickest medially where it joins the compression buttress of the neck and gradually thins as it passes laterally.

Where is the calcar hip?

Where is the calcar region?

The calcar femorale is located at the posteromedial conjunction of the femoral neck and shaft, and runs along the posterointernal margin of the femoral neck from the diaphysis towards the femoral head 1 .

How soon can you walk after a hip replacement?

3 to 6 Weeks After Hip Replacement Surgery You’ll likely be able to walk without a walker or crutches.

Why do bipolar patients need hip replacements?

Conclusions: Bipolar hip hemiarthroplasty is a treatment option in acute surgery for proximal femoral fractures. Its advantages include less stress and strain for the patients than in total hip arthroplasty, and greater stability and lower risk of protrusion into the acetabulum than in classical hip hemiarthroplasty.

What is the function of calcar femorale?

The calcar femorale can bear compression load and redistributes stress or load from the femoral head to the proximal femur. The calcar femorale also contributes to the strength of the femoral neck. Bigelow described the calcar femorale as ‘the true neck of the femur’.

How do you pronounce calcar?

noun, plural cal·car·i·a [kal-kair-ee-uh].