What is by bracket on Warcraft logs?
What is by bracket on Warcraft logs?
Look at Bracket, bracket will give you a rating based on your item level vs everyone who killed it with a similar ilvl bracket as you.
How are Warcraft logs calculated?
The number of points you get for each encounter is calculated by comparing how well your highest damage parse was to the rank one parse for your specialization.
What does parses mean in wow?
A parse is a number you receive based on your DPS compared to other players of your given class. Often players are judged based on how high their number is and what color bracket they fall into.
Does Ilvl parse matter?
Only thing that matters is parse and dps. Your Bonecrusher makes your ilvl appear a lot higher compared to a similar geared druid with MCP, even though the MCP will do more damage.
How are All Star points calculated Warcraft logs?
Re: Warcraftlogs ranking basis for calculation The all-star ranking is calculated the following way. Your highest dps parse for the fight on that difficulty divided by the absolute highest parse for your class on that same fight and difficulty all multiplied by 100.
How do I know if my Warcraft logs are overheating?
Start HWMonitor. Run HWMonitor while you play the game until you experience the problem. Review the max temperatures reached in HWMonitor. You may have an overheating issue if your CPU goes over 60 degrees celsius, or your video card (GPU) goes over 80 degress celsius.
What is all stars on Warcraft logs?
The higher your hps or dps is than average the more points you are awarded, and your overall ranking on warcraft logs is based on the sum of all the all star points from every boss. If you look at a specific boss and see rank 4000, that means 3999 people the same class and spec had higher hps/dps than you.
What does active mean in Warcraft logs?
The active % for healers is an indicator of how much time is spent administering heals. It will count if you are casting a spell, whether you finish the cast or not. It will also count the time your HoTs are applied.
Do healing parses matter?
Healing parses during progression don’t matter because pure HPS isn’t the only measure of effectiveness, skill and performance.
What is a DPS parse?
First question that people always ask is “what is a parse?” Simply put, a parse is like a snapshot of how much damage a character can deal in a certain time period. Guild leaders and trials leaders like to know how much DPS someone can parse when determining if they are eligible to join their raid team.
What does active mean on Warcraft logs?