What is BTC in chemistry?

Bis(trichloromethyl)carbonate (BTC, triphosgene) is a versatile compound that enables highly efficient syntheses. In addition, because of its solid state, it is a very convenient compound for small-scale phosgenations.

What is Benzotrichloride used for?

Used to make dyes and other chemicals. Benzotrichloride is used extensively in the dye industry and as an intermediate in the chemical industry. Acute (short-term) exposure to the vapors of benzotrichloride are highly irritating to the skin and mucous membranes.

What is Benzotrichloride converted to Benzotrichloride?

The process according to claim 1, wherein hydrogen fluoride is used in an amount of about 1 to 2 moles to each chlorine atom to be substituted in benzotrichloride or its derivative.

What is full form BTC?

The full form of BTC is Basic Training Certificate. Suppose if you complete a Basic course in any language or Computers, you would get a BTC after its completion. BTC is a ticker symbol for the Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which was invented by Satoshi Nakamato in 2008.

What is Trichloromethyl used for?

Bis(trichloromethyl) sulfone is used to control microbes, algae, and fungi in cooling water systems, waste disposal systems, pulp and paper mill water systems, oil extraction systems, and other industrial settings (adhesives, industrial coatings, industrial emulsions, etc.).

How is benzonitrile prepared?

It is prepared by ammoxidation of toluene, that is its reaction with ammonia and oxygen (or air) at 400 to 450 °C (752 to 842 °F). In the laboratory it can be prepared by the dehydration of benzamide or by the Rosenmund–von Braun reaction using cuprous cyanide or NaCN/DMSO and bromobenzene.

What is benzotrichloride formula?

C7H5Cl3Benzotrichloride / Formula

What is the Iupac name of benzotrichloride?


Synonyms Sources
1-(trichloromethyl)benzene ChemIDplus
α,α,α-trichlorotoluene ChemIDplus
benzotrichloride ChemIDplus
phenylchloroform ChemIDplus

Can we do BTC after 12th?

Since you have just passed your HSC exam (12th) you will not be eligible for appearing to the BTC exam. For becoming a teacher always in any school or college or post gradaute institute, graduation is a must.

How can I do BTC course?

BTC Course Admission Process The admission is done through entrance exams by colleges and universities under the guidance and rules of NCTE, Government of India. Candidates clearing the entrance exams have to go through a counseling process after which they become qualified to get admission into a BTC course.