What is Bose-Einstein condensate in simple words?
What is Bose-Einstein condensate in simple words?
Definition of Bose-Einstein condensate physics. : a state of matter that occurs when a set of atoms is cooled almost to absolute zero in which a statistical description of the positions of the atoms implies that they physically overlap each other and in effect form a single atom.
What is fermionic condensate matter?
A fermionic condensate is a superfluid phase formed by fermionic particles at low temperatures. It is closely related to the Bose-Einstein condensate, a superfluid phase formed by bosonic atoms under similar conditions.
What is the difference between Bose-Einstein condensate and fermionic condensate?
The only difference is that Bose-Einstein condensates are made up of bosons, and are social with each other (in groups, or clumps). Fermi condensates are anti-social (they don’t attract each other at all). This has to be done artificially. This state of matter was made in December 2003 by Deborah Jin and her group.
Why is it called Bose-Einstein condensate?
This state was first predicted, generally, in 1924–1925 by Albert Einstein following and crediting a pioneering paper by Satyendra Nath Bose on the new field now known as quantum statistics.
Does Bose-Einstein condensate exist?
An international team of researchers has successfully produced a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in space for the first time.
What is special about Bose-Einstein condensate?
A Bose-Einstein condensate is a group of atoms cooled to within a hair of absolute zero. When they reach that temperature the atoms are hardly moving relative to each other; they have almost no free energy to do so. At that point, the atoms begin to clump together, and enter the same energy states.
What is the example of fermionic condensate?
A chiral condensate is an example of a fermionic condensate that appears in theories of massless fermions with chiral symmetry breaking, such as the theory of quarks in Quantum Chromodynamics.
What are examples of Bose-Einstein condensate?
Two examples of materials containing Bose-Einstein condensates are superconductors and superfluids. Superconductors conduct electricity with virtually zero electrical resistance: Once a current is started, it flows indefinitely. The liquid in a superfluid also flows forever. In effect, there is no friction.
What are fermionic particles?
In particle physics, a fermion is a particle that follows Fermi–Dirac statistics. Generally, it has a half-odd-integer spin: spin 1/2, spin 3/2, etc. In addition, these particles obey the Pauli exclusion principle.
What is 5th state of matter?
Bose-Einstein condensates
However, there is also a fifth state of matter — Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), which scientists first created in the lab 25 years ago. When a group of atoms is cooled to near absolute zero, the atoms begin to clump together, behaving as if they were one big “super-atom.”
Why is Bose-Einstein condensate important?
An important effect, that can observed in Bose Einstein Condensates, is quantum mechanical tunneling. It means that a small fraction of the condensate can overcome a barrier that could not be overcome by a classical particle. A fraction of the condensate “tunnels” through this barrier.