What is blood viscosity normal range?

Blood is a non-Newtonian, shear thinning fluid with thixotropic and viscoelastic properties. Many cardiovascular handbooks consider blood viscosity values between 3.5 and 5.5 cP to be normal.

What does a high viscosity of blood do?

Increased viscosity increases the resistance to blood flow and thereby increases the work of the heart and impairs organ perfusion. Some patients with anemia have low hematocrits, and therefore reduced blood viscosities. Another important factor that influences blood viscosity is temperature.

What is the measure of blood viscosity?

Blood viscosity is a measurement of the thickness and stickiness of an individual’s blood. It is a direct measure of the ability of blood to flow through the blood vessels.

What is the coefficient of viscosity of blood?

2.12 x 103 Pa-s
The coefficient of viscosity of blood is 2.12 x 103 Pa-s and its density is 1.06 x 103 kg m-3.

Is low blood viscosity good?

“For overall heart health, having a normal viscosity would be ideal,” explains Dr. Bauman. “Viscosity is an indication of the ‘thickness’ of the blood, or its resistance to flowing normally.

What are the symptoms of blood viscosity?

Symptoms of high blood viscosity include spontaneous bleeding from mucous membranes, visual disturbances due to retinopathy, and neurologic symptoms ranging from headache and vertigo to seizures and coma.

Which condition would cause an increased blood viscosity?

Hyperviscosity syndrome can also be caused by conditions that affect blood cell production, including: leukemia, a cancer of the blood that results in too many white blood cells. polycythemia vera, a cancer of the blood that results in too many red blood cells.

What does blood viscosity means?

Viscosity can be defined as the resistance of fluids against flow. The resistance for blood circulation includes friction between the blood elements and between the vessel lumen and blood. To make a fluid flow, the application of energy is required.

How do you reduce blood viscosity?

Presently, the only method to reduce the blood viscosity is to take medicine, such as aspirin. However, besides of heavy side effect, using medicine to reduce the blood viscosity only makes the turbulence worse because the Reynolds number goes up with the viscosity reduction.

What does blood viscosity mean?

What is the viscosity of blood in kg MS?

The viscosity was also taken as a constant of μ = 0.004 kg/ms above shear rates of 700 s − 1 , where there were no experimental data, because the data for lower shear rates were approaching a clear asymptote near this point.

What causes a decrease in blood viscosity?

Effect of temperature on blood viscosity. When blood temperature decreases from 36.5° to 22°C, blood viscosity increases 26.13%. If temperature increases from 36.5° to 39.5°C, blood viscosity decreases 10.38%.