What is bisulfite charge?

Chemical Formula Sodium bisulfite is an inorganic salt that also goes by another name, which is sodium hydrogen sulfite. The bisulfite polyatomic ion has the formula HSO3 -1 . The SO3 component of this polyatomic ion is sulfite, and normally has a -2 charge.

What ionic charge does SC have?

List of Cations

Index Name Charge
12 francium 1
13 radium 2
14 scandium(I) 1
15 scandium(II) 2

What are Bisulfites?

Description and Use. Sodium Bisulfite is a white, crystalline solid with a slight odor of rotten eggs. It is often in a liquid solution. It is used in making paper and leather, as a food preservative and in dye and chemical production.

Which ion has a charge of 3?

The most common polyatomic ion with a charge of 3- is phosphate which can be written as PO3−4 . This is one of the most important as it is the basis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the molecule that gives your body energy to survive.

What is the charge of scandium?

Scandium shows +3 oxidation state as it can form a +3 ion to achieve a noble gas configuration. The 3+ state is strongly favored for Scandium.

What are the ion charges in the periodic table?

In general, positive ionic charges are found on the left of the periodic table and negative charges are found on the right side. The lower charge values are on the outside of the periodic table and increase as you move inward.

Why is hydrogen sulfate called bisulfate?

Older names are called common names, which were in used before the IUPAC. So “bisulfate” is a common anion name, while “hydrogen sulfate” is systematic.

What is the formula for calcium bisulfate?

Ca(HSO3)2Calcium bisulfite / Formula
Formula for calcium bisulphate is Ca(HSO4)2 which is composed of Ca2+ and HSO4− ions hence the 1:2 composition.