What is Bilbo like at the end of the book?
What is Bilbo like at the end of the book?
Though Bilbo learns to thrive in this outer world, he draws strength from the simple source that guided his heroic quest. His decision to return to Hobbiton toward the end of the novel indicates that, despite his newfound heroism, Bilbo has stayed true to himself all along.
What happens to Bilbo at the chapter’s end?
The story ends with Bilbo settled once again in his hobbit-hole, more comfortable than ever before and yet thinking back on his great adventure. In this final chapter, Bilbo reflects on the adventurous year he has spent in the company of the dwarves.
What is Bilbo’s ending discovery in Chapter 17?
Summary: Chapter 17 Thorin is crushed, and he turns to Bilbo in rage when the hobbit reveals that he is the one who gave Bard the treasure. Thorin is about to turn violent, but then one of the messengers throws off his cloak and reveals himself to be Gandalf.
What does Bilbo find at the end of the red light?
Bilbo Baggins realizes that the red light is actually a fire around which three trolls (large persons) are sitting as they roast mutton on spits of wood.
How does Bilbo feel at the end of his adventure?
In the end Bilbo is happy to have gone on this adventure, what he tells us by telling Thorin “I am glad that I have shared in your perils”2, but now it is time for him to return home again.
How does Bilbo change from the beginning to the end of the novel?
Bilbo undergoes many significant changes in his personality as a result of engaging in Gandalf’s journey with the dwarves. The most important transformations include Bilbo going from cowardly to brave, from being ridiculed to respected and from being helpless to resourceful.
What does Bilbo lose at the end of the hobbit?
He also discovers that he has lost his reputation, but he does not particularly mind: he writes poetry, visits the elves, makes friends among his young Took nephews and nieces, and “remained very happy to the end of his days, and those were extraordinarily long.”
What did Bilbo miss at the end of the battle while he was knocked out?
What did Bilbo miss at the end of the battle while he was knocked out? Bilbo missed how the eagles and Beorn helped to turn the tide against the Wargs and Goblins and towards the eventual victory of the Elves, Men, and Dwarves.
Where does Bilbo take his final stand why?
Where does Bilbo take his final stand? Bilbo took his final stand on Ravenhill among the elves. He also preferred to defend the Elvenking. Bard and Thorin agreed that Thorin would give a portion of his treasure to bard and the Elvenking in exchange for the Arkenstone.
Who must Bilbo say goodbye to immediately after the battle?
Bilbo must say farewell to Thorin, who is mortally wounded. Thorin asks Bilbo’s forgiveness for the harsh words spoken earlier. Fili and Kili have also been killed, but the rest of the dwarves have survived.
Why does Bilbo sing songs to the spiders?
Bilbo sings songs to the spiders in order to keep them distracted from his friends long enough for the dwarves to escape.
What did Gandalf and Bilbo dig up at the end of the journey?
Gandalf and Bilbo free the dwarves. They find the trolls’ secret cave and help themselves to food, clothes, swords, and gold coins, and then they go to sleep. The next morning, they load their ponies. They bury the gold for safekeeping and continue to travel east.