What is Bdjobs grading scale?

A GRADE—- 90% — 4.00 CGPA. A- ” —- 85% — 3.7 ” B+ ” — 80% —- 3.3 ” B ” — 75% —- 3.0 ”

How do I update my Bdjobs account?

At first, sign in to your MY BDJOBS account. Now go to the account settings and click on Set/Change User ID. After that you will get two options (Email/Mobile), select one and follow some simple steps to change your User ID.

How do you apply for Bdjobs?

Welcome to the Bdjobs.com Online Application Form. Provide the following information, your resume and application (if needed) for the mentioned position will be automatically reach to a particular employer. So you don’t have to send your resume and application to the employer in hard copy or in any other form.

How do you write a career summary in Bdjobs?

Mention the immediate goal of your career in this part. Also mention how your experience and potential match with the position you are applying for. Bring up your positive skills for the position. It is important to write your career objective according to the criteria mentioned in the job announcement.

What is a grading scale?

Grading scales can be 1 to 8, 1 to 4, or A through G, where A is on a 4.0 scale or on a 5.0 scale. The most common scale is now 1 to 7, with 9 being the highest grade obtained. In addition, degrees are awarded in a Class, depending on the grades received.

Which job is best in Bangladesh?

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Bangladesh in 2022

  • Ready-Made Garments Sector Jobs.
  • Surgeons/Doctors.
  • Lawyers.
  • Bank Managers.
  • Financial Analysts.
  • Mobile App Developer/Software Engineer.
  • Social Media Marketer.
  • Judges.

What is Bdjobs keyword?

Employers rely on keywords to search online resume banks and databases when looking for the perfect job candidate. Improve your chances of attracting more second looks from employers by using our keyword database to strengthen your resume.

What is a 79 percent grade?


Letter Grade Percentage Range Mid-Range
A 80% to 89% 85%
B+ 75% to 79% 77.5%
B 70% to 74% 72.5%
C+ 65% to 69% 67.5%