What is average cost of divorce in PA?

approximately $14,300
The average cost of divorce in Pennsylvania state is approximately $14,300. The expenses can reach $21,500 if there are children or property involved. The average filing fees in Pennsylvania are $350.

How can I get a quick divorce in PA?

A mutual consent divorce is a faster divorce process than traditional divorce—you can get divorced in three to four months, rather than the standard two or more years. However, to take advantage of a mutual consent divorce, both spouses must agree to the divorce and sign papers stating that each is in agreement.

How quickly can a divorce be finalized in PA?

Pennsylvania law imposes a 90-day waiting period after filing to finalize the divorce agreement.

What is the cheapest way to get a divorce in PA?

Pursuing an uncontested or mutual consent divorce in Pennsylvania without hiring an attorney is the cheapest route. You can expect approximately a $300 fee to file your divorce papers. There can be an additional cost between $150 and $1,500 in case you use the support of an online service.

Can I file for divorce online in PA?

No Fault No Blame The easiest way to complete a do it yourself divorce is to use an online site such as completecase.com. The site uses forms that are specific to the state in which you are filing for divorce, in this case Pennsylvania. Those forms allow the do it yourself divorce to proceed smoothly.

Who pays for divorce in PA?

Generally speaking, you’re on your own for your legal fees. In certain cases wherein one party has a very good income and the other party is low or no income, it is possible to ask the Court to have the well-to-do party pay the other’s legal fees.

Is Pennsylvania online divorce legit?

PennsylvaniaOnlineDivorce.com offers a 100% legit, quick, and affordable solution to prepare for the filing process. The main advantages of online divorce are: There are no unnecessary meetings required. All you need to complete your divorce papers is your PC or smartphone.

How can I get a free divorce in PA?

Divorce Filing Fees in Pennsylvania If you can’t afford to pay the filing fees, you can ask the judge to waive the fees. You can request a fee waiver by filing a Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis. If the court grants your request to waive fees, you won’t have to pay any court costs during your divorce.

Is Pa online divorce legit?

Is PA online divorce legit?