What is AutoExec in Access?

An AutoExec macro is just a macro that is named AutoExec. When a database starts, Access runs the AutoExec macro before it runs any other macros or VBA code.

How do you automatically run a query in Access?

3 Easy steps with no coding:

  1. Create a Macro object in Access to run all 6 queries.
  2. Drag the Macro object and drop to the desktop or any folder in Windows Explorer. This creates an “executable” shortcut that opens the database and runs the macro.
  3. Create a new Scheduled Task to launch the shortcut file.

How do I schedule a macro to run automatically in Access?

You must create vbscript to run your macro and create a batch file to schedule your vbscript.

  1. vbscript code, save this as schedule.vbs file. Dim accessApp. set accessApp = createObject(“Access.Application”) accessApp.OpenCurrentDataBase(“fullpath\msaccessdb”)
  2. THEN create file.bat. @echo off. cscript schedule.vbs.

How do I stop an AutoExec macro in Access?

Enable the SHIFT key to allow the user to bypass the startup properties and the AutoExec macro. Disable the SHIFT key to prevent the user from bypassing the startup properties and the AutoExec macro. You can set this property by using a macro or VBA code.

How do I run a macro query in Access?

How to create a Microsoft Access macro that opens/runs a query:

  1. Select the “Macros” option of the “Objects” menu to open the macros view.
  2. Double-click “New” in the icon menu to create a new macro.
  3. Go to the “Action” field and click the drop-down arrow.
  4. Select “OpenQuery” or type “OpenQuery” into the field.

What is a startup option in Access?

More information. The startup options that are defined for an Access file determine how the file looks and how the file behaves when you open the file. You can set the startup options by using the startup user interface or by using the AutoExec macro.

Can Microsoft Access be automated?

Microsoft Access is a COM component that supports Automation, formerly called OLE Automation. Microsoft Access supports Automation in two ways. From Microsoft Access, you can work with objects supplied by another component.

How do I make a form open automatically in Access 2016?

Click the File tab, and then under Help, click Options. Click Current Database. Under Application Options, in the Display Form list, select the form that you want to display when the database starts. Click OK, and then close and reopen the database to display the startup form.

How do I open an Access database without AutoExec?

Try holding the shift key on your laptop’s keyboard while double-clicking or hitting the enter button to open Access without running scripts.