What is ataccama tool?
What is ataccama tool?
Ataccama ONE: A collaborative platform ready for mission critical deployments. Data Discovery & Profiling. Metadata Management & Data Catalog. Data Quality Management. Master & Reference Data Management.
How does ataccama work?
Unlike most pure metadata management solutions, Ataccama usually starts with the actual data. We analyze not only structures but actual content. This enables us to find hidden relationships, patterns, and anomalies in the dataset that would not be captured in traditional metadata management platforms.
When was ataccama founded?
We started as only a few in 2007. Now, there are 400+ of us (and counting) from 22+ countries and 6 continents (no one from Antarctica — yet). Headquartered in Toronto, we have 10 offices around the world, the largest, R&D office is in Prague.
What is reference data management system?
Reference data management is the process of managing classifications and hierarchies across systems and business lines. This may include performing analytics on reference data, tracking changes to reference data, distributing reference data, and more.
Is ataccama open source?
Ataccama provides one of the free and Open-source Data Profiling tools that include features that give users the ability to profile data directly from the browser, advanced profiling metrics including foreign key analysis, perform transformations on any data, etc.
What are MDM tools?
Master Data Management (MDM) solutions are enterprise software products that: • Support the global identification, linking and synchronization of master data across heterogeneous data sources through semantic reconciliation of master data.
What is an example of data governance?
For example, a data governance program will define the master data models (what is the definition of a customer, a product, etc.), detail the retention policies for data, and define roles and responsibilities for data authoring, data curation, and access.
What is data governance tools?
A data governance tool is defined as a tool that aids in the process of creating and maintaining a structured set of policies, procedures, and protocols that control how an organization’s data is stored, used, and managed.
Is ataccama free?
Start with our free software We believe good data empowers your company to innovate and grow. It’s easy to start—offer a suite of free software for the data people.