What is AR 420-1?
What is AR 420-1?
Army Regulation AR 420-1 Facilities Engineering Army Facilities Management March 2019. This regulation, Army Regulation AR 420-1 Facilities Engineering Army Facilities Management March 2019, addresses the management of Army facilities.
What army regulation covers barracks?
The information in this handbook upholds the basic standards for barracks as detailed in Army Regulation (AR) 420-1, Facilities Management, Rapid Action Review (RAR), dated 24 August 2012, Chapter 3 (Housing Management), which serves as the primary reference material for matters pertaining to the management and …
What is a DD Form 1391?
The DD Form 1391 is used by the Department of Defense to submit documented requirements necessary for the submittal of program justification in support of funding request for military construction projects to Congress.
Can the army inspect my house on post?
The command must have permission of the Soldier or spouse to enter the home. The command can ask to enter, but if the Soldier says no, they can not force their way in to inspect.
Can an NCO go through your drawers?
They cannot move things around in the drawers, throw property around and/or empty containers without the Soldier’s permission.
What is a DD Form 139?
DD FORM 139, MAY 53 PAY ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZATION. NOTE: If member has been transferred, forward this authorization to the officer currently maintaining the member’s pay record.
Can the Army search your POV?
Health and welfare inspections may include inspections of POVs if the POVs are parked in the unit parking lot normally under the control of that commander. However, commanders DO NOT have authority to conduct inspections or authorize searches in privatized housing or in a soldier’s off-post quarters.
Can the Army search your room?
The general rule is, yes, the Commander can authorize/order a walk-through of the barracks without the Soldiers present. However, the inspector can only observe what is in the open and cannot go through drawers, cupboards, closets, etc.
Does a soldier have to be present for a room inspection?
Can you decorate your room in the barracks?
Nails and screws may not be driven into the walls anywhere in the barracks for any purpose. Decorations or other wall hangings may be supported on existing nails only. Any additional holes left behind must be repaired prior to departure.