What is application maintenance and support?

Application maintenance and support service may include expansion and/or modification of the applications functionality, debugging and creation of supplementary solutions. Applications management service includes the following steps: application transition; application maintenance and support.

What is support maintenance?

Support and Maintenance means the maintenance and support Services provided by Supplier after the Warranty Period with respect to Material that are provided under a separate Subordinate Support and Maintenance Agreement.

What are application maintenance activities?

Application maintenance is about improving and modifying digital products that already exist and are used by users. It is all about bug fixing, implementing new features, modifying software files, improving performance, correcting faults, and caring about application quality.

What is the role of application support?

Applications support is a service that ensures the operational processes in a business run smoothly and enables users to conduct their business. It is available to both internal and external stakeholders of an organization. The internal users are the organizational employees, management and ownership.

How does application maintenance work?

Application maintenance is the continuous updating, analyzing, modifying, and re-evaluating of your existing software applications. Application maintenance must be an ongoing task to ensure your applications are always running to the best of their abilities.

What are the steps involved in maintenance process?

In his book Uptime, author John Dixon Campbell defines the six steps of the maintenance planning and control cycle as follows:

  • Identify the problem.
  • Plan the maintenance task.
  • Schedule the work.
  • Allocate the task to specific people.
  • Ensure the work is executed properly.

What is an application support?

What are the different types of maintenance?

Generally, there are six main maintenance strategies:

  • Reactive (run-to-failure)
  • Predetermined maintenance.
  • Preventive maintenance.
  • Corrective maintenance.
  • Condition-based maintenance.
  • Predictive maintenance.

What is application Support job description?

Application Support Analysts ensure that application and systems problems are fixed, as well as provide excellent customer service. Application Support Analyst Job Description, Key Duties and Responsibilities.

What is application production support?

Production support covers the practices and disciplines of supporting the IT systems/applications which are currently being used by the end users.