What is Apdrp?

Ministry of Power, Government of India, has launched the Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) in July 2008 with focus on establishment of base line data, fixation of accountability, reduction of AT&C losses upto 15% level through strengthening & up-gradation of Sub Transmission and …

What is Rapdrp consumer?

Re-structured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme. (R-APDRP) The Government had launched Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme (APDRP) in the year 2002-03, meanwhile, all India level AT&C loss stood at 33.07%.

What is the meaning of Rapdr in electricity?

Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme(R-APDRP)

What is Rapdrp and non Rapdrp?

Online Electricity Bill Payment for Urban Consumers (RAPDRP Towns) Online Electricity Bill Payment for Rural Consumers(Non-RAPDRP Areas)

What is AT & C losses?

AT&C Losses The concept of Aggregate Technical & Commercial losses provides a realistic picture of loss situation in the context it is measured. It is combination of energy loss (Technical loss + Theft + inefficiency in billing)& commercial loss (Default in payment + inefficiency in collection).

What is Rapdr in Uppcl?

Restructured Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme is sponsored by Power Finance Corporation. Total 39 towns having more than 30,000 Population are covered under this scheme.

What is Rapdrp and non Rapdr?

What is non Rapdrp in electricity bill?

Rural Consumers (Non–RAPDRP area consumers other than mentioned above) can pay bills by logging into www.mescomtrm.com or Paytm. If any consumer has unavoidable difficulty, he or she may make a representation to local MESCOM office and it would be considered sympathetically.

What is meant by non Rapdrp?

What is non Rapdr?

Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (Non-RAPDR), also known as APDCL-Non-RAPDR, acquired Assam State Electricity Board of Assam in October 2009. It is owned by the Government of Assam.

What is ATC and C losses?

Thus, ATC&C loss is the sum total of technical losses, commercial losses, and collection losses (shortage due to inability to collect the total billed amount).

What is ATC & C?

Aggregate Technical, Commercial and Collection (ATC & C) Losses as an index to indicate losses in the power system is trendy as it provides clear picture of both energy and revenue loss conditions.