What is AOSB briefing?

If you want to join the British Army as an officer you will have to attend the AOSB briefing. It’s a 3-day assessment event that measures candidates intelligence and aptitude.

What is the pass rate for AOSB?

The short answer is – yes. The AOSB Briefing pass rate is 37%, and many great potential officers were rejected due to insufficient preparation for the mental tests.

What happens at AOSB main board?

AOSB main board This is a four-day selection event that consists of a number of different but inter-linked intellectual, physical, mental and aptitude tests. It is designed to put candidates for both the Regular Army and Army Reserve under pressure whilst fostering their team spirit and competitiveness.

What happens at Army briefing?

ARMY BRIEFING DAY This is a presentation done by a recruiter about the Army and the different types of roles that might be of interest to you. You can ask questions about Army life, roles and next steps in the application process. After your Army Brief, you will have an individual candidate discussion with a recruiter.

How long is AOSB mainboard?

AOSB (Regular) Main Board This is a four-day course consisting of many different academic, physical, mental and aptitude tests. It is designed to put the candidates under pressure whilst fostering their team spirit and competitiveness.

What is the salary for Indian army?

Indian Army Rank-wise Salary: After 7th Pay Commission

Rank / Pay Level Salary (After 7th Pay Commission)
Indian Army Lieutenant Colonel Salary (level 12) INR 1,21,200/- – INR 2,12,400/-
Indian Army Major Salary (level 11) INR 69400/- – INR 2,07,200/-
Indian Army Captain Salary (level 10 B) INR 61,300/- – INR 1,93,900/-

How long is army officer briefing?

ARMY OFFICER SELECTION BOARD (AOSB) Next, you’ll be invited to Westbury for the AOSB Briefing – a 24 hour session to assess your officer potential, and to teach you the skills you’ll need to pass the Main Board.