What is another word for very loud?

noisy, blaring, booming, deafening, roaring, thunderous, thundering, tumultuous, clamorous, blasting, head-splitting, ear-splitting, ear-piercing, piercing. cacophonous, harsh, raucous.

What are some heavy words?

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out.
  • Ironic.
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless)
  • Whom.
  • Colonel.
  • Nonplussed.
  • Disinterested.
  • Enormity.

What’s a word for talking loud?

What is another word for talk loudly?

shout exclaim
holler bellow
call at the top of one’s voice speak loudly
speak louder vociferate
cry thunder

What is a loud sound?

Loud, noisy describe a strongly audible sound or sounds. Loud means characterized by a full, powerful sound or sounds, which make a strong impression on the organs of hearing: a loud voice, laugh, report.

What is the slang for loud?

Definitions include: “LOL” with the O replaced with an E. Definitions include: acronym of “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud.” Definitions include: variant of “LOL” (i.e. “laugh out loud”.)

What is a hard word?

A semi-technical term for a difficult WORD of foreign origin: for example, azimuth, hierophant, munificence, perigee, Vedanta. Early English dictionaries, especially in the 17c, that explained such exotic words by means of everyday words, came to be known as hard-word dictionaries.

What is a loud shout?

verb. If you shout, you say something very loudly, usually because you want people a long distance away to hear you or because you are angry. […]

What is loud voice?

adjective. (of sound) relatively great in volumea loud shout. making or able to make sounds of relatively great volumea loud voice.

What are the top 10 loudest sounds?

Know your decibels: 10 of the loudest sounds

  • 230 dB: Sperm whale.
  • 180 dB: Rocket launch.
  • 130dB: A plane taking off 100m away.
  • 120 dB: Fireworks.
  • 110 dB: Live music gig.
  • 100 dB: Night club.
  • 97 dB: Fire alarm.
  • 94 dB: Lawnmower.

Is loud a vocabulary word?

The word loud comes from the Old English word hlud, which means “making noise, sonorous.”Loud is most often used to describe the volume level of music, but it can also refer to voices or other sounds that are unpleasant and high-volumed.

What can be loud?