What is another word for interrupter?
What is another word for interrupter?
What is another word for interrupter?
intruder | interloper |
busybody | meddler |
buttinski | intermeddler |
kibbitzer | kibitzer |
buttinsky | interferer |
What is the meaning of an interrupter?
one that interrupts
Definition of interrupter : one that interrupts especially : a device for interrupting an electric current usually automatically.
What is the antonyms of interrupted?
Antonyms. begin stay unify respect keep explode promote. break short freeze terminate break stop. interrupt (English) interruptus (Latin)
What is it called when you talk over someone?
dispute, hash (over or out), moot.
Has been interrupted meaning?
verb. If someone or something interrupts a process or activity, they stop it for a period of time. He has rightly interrupted his holiday in Spain to return to London. [ VERB noun]
What is an interrupter in grammar examples?
An interrupter is a word, phrase, or clause that significantly breaks the flow of a sentence. Read these examples: Please take those smelly socks to the garage, Kris, and put them in the washing machine. My essay, to be perfectly honest, flew out the bus window while I was on my way to school.
What is the difference between disruption and interruption?
Disruption is a better, faster, more efficient or cost-effective way of conducting business, while one considers interruption as a small, insignificant, procedural inconvenience.
What is the opposite of being disruptive?
Opposite of causing or tending to cause disruption. biddable. compliant. cooperative. docile.
What is the root word for interrupt?
Etymology. Borrowed from Latin interruptus, from interrumpere (“to break apart, break to pieces, break off, interrupt”), from inter (“between”) + rumpere (“to break”).