What is another word for having an affair?

“The frustrated wife considered having an affair but ultimately decided against it.”…What is another word for affair?

fling romance
relations rendezvous
intimacy love affair
hanky-panky carry-on
romantic entanglement two-timing

What is a romantic affair called?

In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for love affair, like: affair of the heart, amour, forbidden love, tryst, adultery, flirtation, affair, courtship, dalliance, entanglement and fling.

What is another word for intimate relationship?

Intimate Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for intimate?

close friendly
tight bosom
cordial faithful
fast inseparable
affectionate confidential

What is the word for short term love?

infatuation Add to list Share. Infatuation is falling in love with or becoming extremely interested in someone or something for a short time.

What flirting means?

British Dictionary definitions for flirtation flirtation. / (flɜːˈteɪʃən) / noun. behaviour intended to arouse sexual feelings or advances without emotional commitment; coquetry.

What is affair antonym?

Opposite of a love affair. dislike. hate. hatred. platonic relationship.

What is a brief love affair?

1 a brief romantic relationship. the tabloids feel obliged to keep us informed of the love affairs of celebrities, whether we care to know or not.

What is a romantic entanglement?

▲ A romantic or sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other. love affair.

What are casual words?

occasional, offhand, spontaneous, cool, cursory, easygoing, folksy, homey, informal, laid-back, mellow, accidental, adventitious, by chance, by-the-way, contingent, erratic, extemporaneous, extempore, fluky.

What are some intimate words?

12 Words and Phrases for Romantic Relationships

  • Goo-goo Eyes.
  • Blind/Double/Hot Date.
  • Apple of One’s Eye.
  • Warm the Cockles of Someone’s Heart.
  • Puppy Love (and Calf-love)
  • Head Over Heels.
  • Heartthrob/Sweetheart.
  • Lovebird.

What is D infatuation?

1 : a feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something : strong and unreasoning attachment She speaks openly about the real-life subject of one of her songs, a conservatory teacher who is both a neighbor in her apartment building and the unwilling object of her …