What is another word for connectedness?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for connectedness, like: connection, connexion, link, unconnectedness, disconnectedness, interconnectedness, interdependence, separateness, oneness, interrelatedness and interdependency.

Is there such a word as connectedness?

the fact of being or feeling socially, emotionally, spiritually, or professionally linked with others or with another, or the robustness of such relationships: There’s something about sharing stories as a group that builds a sense of connectedness.

What’s a word for deep connection?

What is another word for deep connection?

strong bond powerful attachment
powerful connection profound connection
strong connection

What is connectedness in business?

Connectedness is a leadership trait associated to building and sustaining relationships. It also points to the importance of boosting the esteem of others. The connected leader seeks ways to help others develop, both personally and professionally. Mentoring and coaching are both actions that boost connectedness.

What is the difference between path and pathway?

Pathway is essentially a longer, redundant way to say “path,” and in fact it comes from path and its Old English root pæþ, “path or track,” which has a Germanic origin.

What is the difference between connectedness and connectivity?

Van Dijck (2013) argues that connectedness is about people connecting with other people. It has a sense of humanity to it. Connectivity, on the other hand, is about a connection between humans based on algorithms and other technical features of a platform (e.g. Facebook).

How do you use connectedness in a sentence?

1 Communication technology has increased the connectedness between physicians and patients. 2 We cherish roots, family and connectedness. 3 People aware of their connectedness can build both compassion and strength.

What is a profound connection?

2 showing or requiring great knowledge or understanding.

What are the different types of connectivity?

Connection Types

  • Dial-up Connection.
  • ISDN.
  • DSL.
  • Cable TV Internet connections.
  • Satellite Internet connections.
  • Wireless Internet Connections.