What is another way to say light hearted?

OTHER WORDS FOR lighthearted cheery, joyful, blithe, happy, glad, merry, jovial, jocund.

What do you call a light conversation?

: light or casual conversation : chitchat.

What do you call someone who is warm hearted?

affable, amiable, cheerful, cheery, chipper, congenial, convivial, easygoing, gentle, good-natured, gracious, jolly, jovial, kindly, pleasant, sociable, sunny, upbeat, admiring, affectionate.

What is a synonym for Goofy?

synonyms for goofy

  • crazy.
  • dopey.
  • flaky.
  • foolish.
  • idiotic.
  • kooky.
  • nutty.
  • stupid.

How do you describe a light-hearted person?

Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy. They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life. Something that is light-hearted is intended to be entertaining or amusing, and not at all serious.

What is a word for casual conversation?

small talk, chit chat, tea-table talk, chit-chat, teatable talk.

How do you describe a casual conversation?

So what exactly is casual conversation? Casual conversation means blabber, chatter, chitchat, gab, gossip, table talk, trivial conversation, jesting, joking, kidding, ribbing, dialoguing, and small talk. – Roget’s Thesaurus 2014.

What do you call a gentle and quiet person?

meek. adjective. quiet, gentle, and easily persuaded by other people to do what they want.

How do you describe a kind and gentle person?

When we think of a gentle person, we envision someone who is kind, amiable, and without rudeness. A gentle person makes no abrupt movements or declarations. He or she is courteous, polite, and soothing to be around. There is no need to be hurried, to be harsh, or to act with violence.

What is fun spirited?

adjective. enjoying life in a lively, lighthearted way; spirited; playful: fun-loving friends. GOOSES.