What is another term for corrupt?

Some common synonyms of corrupt are degenerate, iniquitous, nefarious, vicious, and villainous. While all these words mean “highly reprehensible or offensive in character, nature, or conduct,” corrupt stresses a loss of moral integrity or probity causing betrayal of principle or sworn obligations.

What is meant by corrupted data?

Data corruption refers to errors in computer data that occur during writing, reading, storage, transmission, or processing, which introduce unintended changes to the original data. Computer, transmission, and storage systems use a number of measures to provide end-to-end data integrity, or lack of errors.

What is a name for bad data?

Dirty data, also known as rogue data, are inaccurate, incomplete or inconsistent data, especially in a computer system or database.

What is a similar word for data?

facts, figures, statistics, details, particulars, specifics, features. information, evidence, intelligence, material, background, input. proof, fuel, ammunition. statement, report, return, dossier, file, documentation, archive, archives. informal info, dope, low-down, deets.

What is the adjective of corruption?

What are some other forms related to corrupt? corruption (noun) corruptible (adjective) corruptive (adjective) corrupter (noun)

Why would data be corrupted?

Data can become corrupted during writing, editing, or transfer to another drive. When a program writes incorrect data, or when something interrupts a write process, the data can mess up and cause a corrupted file. A virus can corrupt files as well. Typically, this is done intentionally to damage essential system files.

How does a database get corrupted?

Files can be corrupted due to several reasons. Primary files, which can corrupt the entire database, may be corrupted due to changes in the SQL Server account, accidental data deletion, and file header corruption, among others. In the case of Secondary File corruption, SQL database becomes inaccessible.

What is rough data?

Rough data is data with low resolution to reduce the amount of data and speed up processing.

What is dirty data?

In a data warehouse, dirty data is a database record that contains errors. Dirty data can be caused by a number of factors including duplicate records, incomplete or outdated data, and the improper parsing of record fields from disparate systems.

Is data another word for information?

Data is a plural of datum, which is originally a Latin noun meaning “something given.” Today, data is used in English both as a plural noun meaning “facts or pieces of information” (These data are described more fully elsewhere) and as a singular mass noun meaning “information” (Not much data is available on flood …

What is an antonym for data?

Antonyms. fauna flora prosecution defense decrease decrement disassembly.