What is another name for taxi?

What is another word for taxi?

taxicab cab
minicab hack
hackney cab yellow cab
black cab hackney carriage
private hire car fiacre

What’s another word for noggin?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for noggin, like: dome, head, mug, body, noddle, pate, poll, bean, block, conk and nut.

What is the synonyms of frightened?

In this page you can discover 70 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for frightened, like: scared, afraid, terrified, fearful, threatened, startled, panicky, alarmed, reassured, appalled and badgered.

What is the synonyms of coarse?

Some common synonyms of coarse are gross, obscene, ribald, and vulgar. While all these words mean “offensive to good taste or morals,” coarse implies roughness, rudeness, or crudeness of spirit, behavior, or language.

What’s another word for Uber?

Uber Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for uber?

mega super
ultra extreme
great very

What is another word for Taxi Driver?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for taxi-driver, like: cabby, cab-driver, cabbie, cabman, hack, hackman, PRNewsFoto, loope, Zeger, bus-driver and bank clerk.

What does noggin mean in the UK?

noggin in British English 1. a small quantity of spirits, usually 1 gill. 2. a small mug or cup.

What’s the origin of the word noggin?

A recent revision online has taken the origin back a century and found that it started out as British sporting slang, originally from boxing. Noggin has been in the language since the late sixteenth century. The first sense was that of a small cup or other sort of drinking vessel.

What is a meaning of frightened?

feeling fear
Definition of frightened : feeling fear : made to feel afraid a badly frightened child The farmer was hurrying out into the road, and his wife was standing at the gate, looking very frightened.—

What is the opposite frightened?

Opposite of suffering from fear. fearless. unafraid. bold. brave.

What do u mean by coarse?

1 : having a harsh or rough quality coarse dry skin a coarse fabric. 2 : made up of large particles coarse sand. 3 : crude in taste, manners, or language. 4 : of poor or ordinary quality.

What is the opposite coarse?

Not having a fine texture. Antonyms. fine smooth refined superior. coarse large-grained.