What is another name for coaxed?

Frequently Asked Questions About coax Some common synonyms of coax are blandish, cajole, soft-soap, and wheedle. While all these words mean “to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions,” coax implies gentle and persistent words or actions employed to produce a desired effect.

How do you coax something?

If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuade them to do it. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself. If you coax something such as information out of someone, you gently persuade them to give it to you.

Does coax mean to trick?

to fool; deceive.

What does entwined mean?

Definition of entwine transitive verb. : to twine together or around. intransitive verb. : to become twisted or twined.

What are antonyms for coaxed?

What is the opposite of coax?

bully force
allow browbeat
coerce discourage
disenchant disgust
dissuade harass

What is the synonym of pretentious?

synonyms for pretentious

  • arty.
  • exaggerated.
  • grandiose.
  • hollow.
  • overblown.
  • pompous.
  • showy.
  • stilted.

What is an antonym for coax?

Opposite of to convince, or cause to believe, through reason or argument. deter. discourage. dissuade. disenchant.

What does easily manipulated mean?

capable of or susceptible to being manipulated; manipulatable. GOOSES.

What is a snuffling?

to breathe in quickly and repeatedly through the nose, usually because you are crying or because you have a cold: He was snuffling and blowing his nose. Synonym.

What is the synonym of Colossus?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for colossus, like: giant, titan, goliath, leviathan, heavyweight, behemoth, monster, hulk and gigantic statue.