What is another name for a set square?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. A set square or triangle (American English) is an object used in engineering and technical drawing, with the aim of providing a straightedge at a right angle or other particular planar angle to a baseline.

What is another word for display window?

Show-window synonyms In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for show-window, like: display, store window, picture window, display window, shop-window, shopwindow and showcase.

What is synonyms for window?

synonyms for window

  • aperture.
  • casement.
  • dormer.
  • fanlight.
  • fenestella.
  • fenestra.
  • jalousie.
  • lancet.

What is another word for window frame?

What is another word for window frame?

chambranle antepagmenta
door case mantel
mantle-tree mantle

What is set square for?

Set squares are useful for drawing parallel lines and perpendicular lines.

Why set square is called set square?

It could also be that the “set square” normally comes from a “geometry set” (a set of rulers/tools), so it is the “set square” the “square-making tool from the set”.

How do you describe a window?

Words used to describe doors and windows – thesaurus

  • double-glazed. adjective. having windows with two layers of glass.
  • draughtproof. adjective. not allowing cold air to blow into a place.
  • hinged. adjective. fixed with a hinge.
  • leaded. adjective.
  • louvred. adjective.

What are synonyms for pane?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pane, like: window glass, stained-glass, back breaker, glass, dot, elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, superman, zen and pane of glass.

What is the window frame?

A window frame is the framework that surrounds and supports the entire window system. It is comprised of the head, jamb and sill. The head is the main horizontal part forming the top of the window frame. Jambs are the main vertical parts forming the sides of a window frame.

What are the two types of set square?

There are two main types of set square. One has an angle of 45 degrees and the other 30/60 degree angles. The 45 degree set square also has a 90 degree angle. This can be used for drawing vertical lines.

How do you describe a window looking out?

looking out window

  • careless.
  • distracted.
  • inattentive.
  • sloppy.
  • unmindful.
  • absent.
  • absent-minded.
  • abstracted.