What is Angikam Bhuvanam Yasya?

In the Bharatnatyam dance form there exists a rich tradition of devotional pieces in praise of many God and Goddesses of the Hindu religion and mythology. As such there are many items dedicated to Lord Shiva, be it as a Kautubh, a Varnam or a Padam.

How many Bhuvanam are there?

“bhuvanam” has 2 results. भुवनम् [भवत्यत्र, भू-आधारादौ-क्थुन्] 1 A world, the number of worlds is either three, as in त्रिभुवन or fourteen; इह हि भुवनान्यन्ये धीराश्चतुर्दश भुञ्जते Bh. 3.23 (see लोक also); cf. also अतलं सुतलं चैव वितलं च गभस्तिमत् ।

What is dhyana sloka in bharatanatyam?

The Dhyana Slokam is a Sanskrit word for the ‘Chant of Meditation’. Each God has their own Dhyana Slokam and in Bharatanatyam, we earn about the one describing Lord Nataraja, If anybody is worried that they have forgotten The Dhyana Slokam or is learning ti for the first time, here it is in table form (I love tables!

What is the meaning of Pataka Mudra?

1: Pataka – All five fingers are held together without any gaps between the fingers. It is used to portray the action of blessing, to depict the air, sky, or water, to beckon another by waving the hand, to represent a plate, to indicate a stop, or to slap.

What is Drishti bheda?

Drishti Bhedha – eye movements Drishti means ”eyes” in sanskrit. The 8 eye movements refer to the eye positions when expressing a particular bhava. Samam: Keep eyes still. Alokitam: Roll eye balls in a circular pattern. Saachi: Look through the corner of the eyes.

What are the four types of Abhinaya?


  • Expression of the limbs (Āṅgika Abhinaya)
  • Expression of speech (Vāchika Abhinaya)
  • Costume and scene (Āhārya Abhinaya)
  • True expression (Sāttvika Abhinaya)
  • Lokadharmi and Natyadharmi Abhinaya.

What is the name of single hand Mudra?

asamyukta mudra
Mudras or hand gestures made using a single hand are called asamyukta mudra.

What is the meaning of Mayura mudra?

5. Mayura – Mayura means “Peacock”. In this mudra the ring finger and the tip of the thumb touch each other while the other fingers are held straight without any gap.

What is Asamyukta Hasta mudra?

Hastas / Mudras (hand gestures) are primarily classified as 28 Asamyuta Hastas (one-hand gesture) and 24 Samyuta Hastas (two-hand gestures). Each of the hastas can be used to denote various thoughts, ideas and objects. There are various slokas (verses) from the ancient texts that enumerate the usage of the hastas.

What is Shiro bheda in Bharatanatyam?

Head movements are also called Shirobheda. Shira or shirasa meaning ” Head” in sanskrit. The head movements refer to the head positions, while expressing a particular bhava. There are Nine head movements.

What is Sthanaka bheda?

It means standing on one bent leg, raise the other leg so as to bring the foot to the knee, with both hands dropped to dola hasta on both sides. It is used to show Lord Indra and a king.

What is Satvik Abhinaya?

The Sattwik Abhinaya consists of two elements complementary to each other. They are the Rasa or emotional flavour and the Bhava or the mood to suit a particular emotion. Rasa is the primary and most important requirement of nritya which may be interpreted as emotional flavour or sentiment.